The Near Death Experience on Hidden Science

The Near Death Experience on Hidden Science

In terms of studying consciousness, the Near Death Experience or NDE could be giving us valuable evidence indicating that consciousness continues after death. Indeed, the phenomenon of the Near Death Experience leads us to face a fundamental question; does our consciousness exist beyond the brain and body?

The Reductionist view

To the reductionists, this question is an easy ‘no’, as they believe that consciousness is an epiphenomenon of the brain, emerging from neurons as a side effect of electrical firings. To them, all humans are simply mechanical apes who have developed a few special faculties to give them an evolutionary advantage. In the reductionist world, the brain and body are machines and the primary agents of life – nothing is animating them. When death occurs, this primary agent of life is destroyed, end of story.

Over the years however, evidence of people having a conscious experience during periods of zero brain activity has accumulated. The concept that consciousness can exist beyond the brain challenges the reductionist belief system that the body is nothing more than its constituent parts. 

Beyond the Brain

It is important to note that it is still a belief system though. There is no absolute proof that consciousness emerges from the brain. Professor Gary Schwartz of the University of Arizona gives us a brilliant analogy. He compares the brain to a mobile/cell phone. Just because you can hear a voice coming from a mobile phone does not mean that your friend lives inside the phone.

If the phone gets damaged, you know that your friend is not affected; the phone was just receiving her voice. Schwartz says that the brain could be acting in a similar fashion – it is just a receiver and a conduit for consciousness, rather than the generator of it. 

Hidden Science TV Special

As part of the Hidden Science series for The People’s Voice TV, I co-produced, wrote and presented a special on the Near Death Experience featuring guests:-

Dr Penny Sartori, A former intensive care nurse and the author of The Wisdom of the Near Death Experience.

Graham Nicholls who is an expert in out-of-body-experiences and the author of several books including ‘Avenues of the Human Spirit’

And Jazz Rasool a former physicist and molecular biologist who has created the Energy diamond Software.

Watch out for when we discuss black holes and the Near Death Experience. Enjoy!

Let me know what you think in the comments below.

If you would like to know more about the science of The Near Death Experience check out Simply Divine, an Easy Guide to the Science of Spirituality. 

Simply Divine an Easy guide to the science of spirituality

Image: Shutterstock 

Angels on my TV

Angels on my TV

In 2007, I was invited to the studios of Press TV in West London alongside the world-renowned author, Diana Cooper to discuss the Science of Angels. But soon I was also discussing some of my angelic experiences.

The whole day was pretty amazing as the Press TV studios were very well equipped and plush, with makeup artists for all the ‘talent’ as well. Some time later, I made several trips to the then BBC studios nearby and it was disappointingly drab in comparison. This interview was actually my first taste of the live TV set up in a studio even though I had already appeared in several documentaries. This studio experience came in handy later when working for The People’s Voice TV.

I am delighted to find that this interview has now resurfaced on Youtube courtesy of the presenter Rebecca Masterton who did a great job. So here is the discussion on Press TV about The Science of Angels. It is in several parts.


Have you ever had an encounter with angels? Please leave your comments below. 

The Science of Angels is just one of the topics discussed on the Online Course Simply Divine as well as the science of tarot, energy healing, the law of attraction and much more. Click the button below to find out more about Simply Divine

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Image: Screenshot, Shutterstock

String theory and The Bible

String theory and The Bible

In this article we will be looking at the connection between String Theory and The Bible and asking the question, “Were the Biblical Patriarchs entering Higher Dimensions?”

Modern scientific theories, such as String Theory, have given us the concept that the universe could consist of many dimensions.These are levels of the universe that we are not normally aware of but are supposedly all around us.

It works a bit like a radio; unless you are tuned in to that particular frequency you are not aware of that radio station and all the stations can exist together in parallel.

Physicists themselves are divided as to whether we can actually experience these dimensions. Some wonder if the experience would be like a carp lifted from a fish pond and being taken into a new and seemingly fantastical world seeing new sights, hearing new sounds and experiencing different beings. What would they say to their carp friends once they returned and would they even be believed? (More about Michio Kaku’s insight into carp and hyperspace can be found here.)

Carp Pond Hyperspace

What would happen if carp escaped the pond? Image: Pixabay

The experience of the carp leaving the water can be compared to a multidimensional experience in humans. Interestingly, there is evidence to suggest that this sort of experience has been happening throughout human history. For example, what happens when we substitute the word ‘dimension’ for ‘heaven’ in certain religious texts?

What happens when we substitute the word ‘dimension’ for ‘heaven’?

Let’s look at the apocryphal Book of Enoch. This was an old biblical text that we know was very popular at the time of Jesus because there are several copies of it in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Enoch lived at the time of the patriarchs, according to the Hebrew Bible and was Noah’s Great Grandfather. According to the book under his name, he was visited by beings who show him various ‘heavens’.

Although the language is different, a lot of people today who are mystics or practice astral travelling will recognise these types of experience. Because experiences of other dimensions are really hard to explain, people of different eras attempt to explain them in terms of what they do know, using analogies from their own culture.

String Theory

String Theory Image: Shutterstock

But despite the differences in language, accounts such as these are essentially similar to those experienced by people today. When somebody in our present era has an intense multidimensional experience they tend to want to record it, just as people have throughout history.

In the past, we called these recordings of multidimensional experiences complete with angelic and/ or even alien encounters – the Bible, The Koran, the book of Mormon etc. The language and interpretations may be different, but the experiences show definite similarities.

One thing certainly has changed – in most cultures instead of hailing people who have multidimensional experiences as prophets or holy people, we are more likely to think that they need psychiatric treatment.

If you would like to know more about the science of hyperspace and higher dimensions and how this can help you to experience the spirit realms take a look at Simply Divine, an Easy Guide to the Science of Spirituality.

If you are interested in looking at these types of links between modern science and ancient texts check out The Magdalene Mystery School.

Image: Shutterstock, Public Domain


Forgiveness: you’re doing it all wrong!

Forgiveness: you’re doing it all wrong!

In this article we are going to be talking about Forgiveness. Is there something in your life that you just can’t seem to let go of? Has someone in your life really bothered you? You know you should forgive them but you just can’t forget or let go of what happened.

This happens to a lot of people – they know that forgiveness is something they should strive for but can’t quite get there which makes them feel even more guilty.

It’s no wonder, as the way in which we are taught to forgive makes it difficult. I think we are taught to forgive in a way that is all wrong; we are told we should forgive and forget and it feels that we are letting that person off the hook.

This also makes us feel that anybody can do anything to us and we will say it is OK. This can make us feel vulnerable to being attacked again in the same way by that person and that we will just let them off the hook.

It is healthy for us to have boundaries and personal integrity so the usual advice on forgiveness can cause conflict within us. So how can we get peace from the memory of the situation without feeling like we are allowing someone to get away with it?

First – you don’t need to forgive the person or be open to them do it again. What they did was not OK by you, you don’t want that to happen again.

Forgiveness, Emotional Freedom


If you change your perspective and realise that it is not the person that you need to let off the hook, but to understand the situation, then you can move towards healing within yourself.  You need to understand and process why the situation has come into your life. Once you get that ‘aha’ moment then the inner shift can occur so that you can move on from the emotions.

In Simply Divine we discuss how the Black Hole Principle implies that we have aspects of our consciousness out of space and time beyond the speed of light. This is what is traditionally called the Higher Self.

This is the aspect of us that chooses our lives and everything that happens in it. The key to our healing is to move towards an understanding of why our Higher Self has introduced a particular incident and the healing journey that this has engendered.

What has been this gift in this?

Just asking the question ‘what has been this gift in this?’ can shift the entire feelings about a situation. Sometimes this type of work is so effective that the situation will not affect us anymore and we will feel much more free.

For more information on how you can access Simply Divine click here.

Main Image: Shutterstock


Accessing your Galactic Self

Accessing your Galactic Self

In this post we shall discuss how to access your Galactic Self more deeply.

Some of us don’t feel like we belong here. This runs more deeply than the sense that we are outside a particular ‘crowd’. There are people who have memories of being from a different star system all together.

You may have heard the terms ‘star seed’ or the concept that you are becoming a galactic human being. In reality everybody has a galactic self whether they know it or not. Because we are multidimensional, we have many aspects of who we are. We can think of it like layers of an onion. Some of these layers are to do with star systems and dimensions beyond the world of 3D Earth.

In fact the Earth itself has many many levels to it. So has every planet. In reality all planets are inhabited with beings, but at many different frequencies of reality. We are looking for life as we know it, within our dimension. But there is much more to the universe than we can fathom or measure at the moment; this is what cosmologists call dark matter and dark energy.

This meditation is designed to help you to access the galactic aspects of you – your Galactic Self. Make sure you listen to it when you are safe and won’t be interrupted and not when you have to pay attention to something like driving.

I hope you liked this meditation. If you would like more of this sort of information coming straight to your inbox then sign up below.

If you would like to know more about your Galactic Self checkout Simply Divine: an Easy guide to the Science of Spirituality which covers this topic in more depth.

Have you had any experience of your galactic self? Leave a comment below.



The Song of Creation

The Song of Creation

Do you want to hear the song of creation?


In the beginning, there was the Word we are told by The Bible. Some have interpreted this to mean that sound preceded everything else in creation. Certainly in my work exploring the Black Hole Principle (BHP) I have found that sound seems to precede the creative ejections that come from creative bodies across space. You can call it a song of creation of sorts.

If you remember, The Black Hole Principle says that all levels of the universe work in much the same way – there are differences in types of particles and radiation, but it is all the same process from black holes to quarks.

Part of the hallmarks of this creative process are radio waves and sound waves. One of the simplest ways to think about this is to think of thunder. I have explained in the past that thunderstorms are an example of Black Hole Principle behaviour with antimatter, matter and gamma-ray bursts as well as water being produced. Thunder which is so familiar to us is a great example of the way sound can accompany the black hole process.

Interestingly sounds are indeed being discovered at different levels of the universe. Some of the sounds are not audible to humans but we can hear them when they are processed.
So here are some examples of sounds being produced by the Black Hole Principle at different levels of the universe.

The Sun

It appears that when a Coronal Mass Ejection occurs, space probes pick up the equivalent of a screeching noise.


The Earth

Scientists are starting to notice a hum from the Earth and cannot explain why. Again something totally predictable from BHP.



This is a very interesting one as until fairly recently we didn’t think much of comets – they were thought to be icy snowballs. Then it was found that they too emit charged particles, therefore displaying black Hole Principle behaviour too.

It was also a shock when they heard these sounds in this video – the frequencies have been manipulated so that we can hear them. You can hear the sound via this link.

And in this clip, we have the sound of a black hole itself. Ignore the erroneous guff about the black hole chewing up a star, they are just saying that as they are trying to explain why the black hole is emitting so regularly.


More sounds reported by NASA


So sound accompanies the ejections from the various bodies, be it thunder or a corneal mass ejection. What changes is the level at which it is occurring? The process is fundamentally the same.

I hope you have enjoyed our foray into the sounds of the universe and the song of creation.

If you would like to know more about how The Black Hole Principle and other scientific concepts can help you in your own life then have a look at Simply Divine, an online course which connects the cosmos with your daily well being.

Let me know what you think in the comments below.

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