Is there a link between the Shroud of Turin and The Black Hole Principle? In this video lecture I explain how I think they might be connected. 
But how did I get interested in this subject in this first place? On lazy Sunday afternoons by the fire, James and I watch tend to watch documentary channels. In the late 2000s a number of these featured the object called the Shroud of Turin.
Over the years, I had never really paid attention to this particular object. I had assumed as many other did that the object was a medieval fake. 
But gradually, the Shroud gradually seeped into my consciousness and my curiosity was aroused. 
From a scientific perspective, The Shroud of Turin is a fascinating object. I started to do talks on the subject and the response was immense. One of the talks has gone up on YouTube. I will link to it here. 

In this talk I cover
  • What the Shroud of Turin is and some of its history
  • What properties does the Shroud have 
  • Why nobody can explain how the Shroud was made
  • The story of the Shroud – what happened to the man who is depicted on there. 
  • How new evidence published in a peer-reviewed journal is pointing to the Shroud not being a fake
  • My own ideas of how we can link the Shroud of Turin to the Black Hole Principle. 

Let me know what you think in the comments below. 

For the updated information about The Shroud of Turin and The Black Hole Principle plus many other subects like this, check out The Magdalene Mystery School

Image: Public Domains wikicommons, Shutterstock

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