Meditation: Integrating your Inner Lizzie

Meditation: Integrating your Inner Lizzie


There is a growing awareness of a discrepancy in the world – there are a few people who have the power and they keep the rest of us under control. Some people are becoming aware of other levels to the control such as alien or reptilian beings. Whatever your take on this, this concept can create fear. So this time we are going to be doing a Meditation on Integrating your Inner Lizzie. 

The Point of no Return

In the year 2001, right after the 9/11 incident, I was visiting some friends. They had the TV on which was showing a memorial ceremony for the people who died in the event. My friend asked me if I could see ‘them’. He was referring to the interdimensional beings that were around the senior politicians of that time. Until that point, I had heard the concept that interdimensional beings were controlling our world leaders, but thought it was far-fetched.

But as I watched this memorial, my vision somehow shifted and suddenly I saw them. They were standing behind certain public figures and were psychically attached to them. They were tall and almost integrated into the humans that they followed.

I was stunned. Suddenly David Icke did not look like the nutter that everybody thought he was. I now literally could see what he was talking about. And so began a period of my life where I began to consume a lot of material about the controllers of the world. I avidly read the book by David Icke called ‘The Biggest Secret’ and learnt about The Money Masters and other aspects of what is known as conspiracy theories.

Intergalactic Tank Girl

Integrating your inner lizzie

A woman dressed up as the Tank Girl character at a Cosplay event

I began to feel that we were in a battle and we would need to literally fight interdimensional beings who secretly controlled our world and created perpetual wars. Like some Intergalactic Tank Girl, I felt I needed to ready myself as a warrior. Underneath all of this was a very real emotion – FEAR. Reading about the hidden controllers of the planet was making me fearful. You see this new paradigm I had fallen into was all about separation: them and us.

Integrating the Light Strand

One day that all changed. I was pondering to myself about the fact that we share our DNA with reptilian beings and whoosh something happened. I understood the unity. It was as if a light strand had plugged into place in my being. I realised that no matter what, we are all part of each other and every being is a part of the unconditional love that pervades the entire universe.

From that moment on I was no longer fearful and let go of the idea that I needed to be a Tank Girl warrior. I know there are very real issues going on in the world but starting with separation and perpetuating that stance isn’t going to help.We are all from the same source ultimately and it was with this consciousness that we need to move forward. It isn’t enough to have unity consciousness about things that you like and having it all go out the window for something that you don’t like.

The Human Game

Some years later I had a vision and I saw that just as humanity, as a collective, were descending from source and higher dimensions, a bit split off and it is this split that became our nemesis. We did this to ourselves because we are THAT powerful. We needed to create for ourselves the grit by which we will grow. The human race are not victims, they are more powerful than we can imagine. We are here playing a game to learn.

But we created that game out of love for ourselves to grow. It is hard to see that from a 3D perspective when all we see is suffering and death and I don’t mean to say that the pain should not be expressed at that.

But there is a big picture. Ultimately we will all go on to a different plane and we take our learnings from this incarnation.

So we have created a nemesis for ourselves from the fullness of our being as a human race.

Integrating your ‘Inner Lizzie’

But what can we do to alleviate the fear? Well, I have a process that I call Integrating the Inner Lizzie. I actually was requested to speak on this by one of my readers and we recently did an online meeting when a meditation spontaneously arose to heal the Inner Lizzie. It was quite powerful and I have noticed the different feeling I have afterwards.

So I am including it for you here for you to stream for free.


This was part of The Conscious Science Club which comes free for 12 months when you buy Simply Divine. If you are interested in more content like this then have a look at Simply Divine – an Easy guide to the Science of Spirituality.

What do you make of this week’s blog? Do you think this is all nonsense or do you think coming out of fear at the politics of the world is a good idea? Let me know in the comments below. 

Images: Pixabay, Wikicommons

Access your Genius – Exercise

Access your Genius – Exercise

In this exercise, which you can access by clicking on the audio stream below, you can experience how to access your Genius to solve a problem.

We are all multidimensional beings and exist beyond our physical bodies. Aspects of ourselves that we sometimes call the Higher Self, exist in consciousness levels beyond space and time.

This is where we get that intuitive sense of knowing – warnings of danger and other intuitive experiences. This is because these aspects of ourselves actually know the future.

However, we are not meant to always be in touch with this aspect consciously or we would not get anything done at all on the Earth plane.

But we can tap into this wisdom when we need to. Sometimes we can do this to get the solution to a problem we may be facing. In this exercise I will take you through the steps of accessing your inner wisdom to solve a problem.

Image: Shutterstock

Please let me know how this exercise has helped you in the comments below.

For more on The Genius Groove: The New Science of Creativity click here.


Accessing your Galactic Self

Accessing your Galactic Self

In this post we shall discuss how to access your Galactic Self more deeply.

Some of us don’t feel like we belong here. This runs more deeply than the sense that we are outside a particular ‘crowd’. There are people who have memories of being from a different star system all together.

You may have heard the terms ‘star seed’ or the concept that you are becoming a galactic human being. In reality everybody has a galactic self whether they know it or not. Because we are multidimensional, we have many aspects of who we are. We can think of it like layers of an onion. Some of these layers are to do with star systems and dimensions beyond the world of 3D Earth.

In fact the Earth itself has many many levels to it. So has every planet. In reality all planets are inhabited with beings, but at many different frequencies of reality. We are looking for life as we know it, within our dimension. But there is much more to the universe than we can fathom or measure at the moment; this is what cosmologists call dark matter and dark energy.

This meditation is designed to help you to access the galactic aspects of you – your Galactic Self. Make sure you listen to it when you are safe and won’t be interrupted and not when you have to pay attention to something like driving.

I hope you liked this meditation. If you would like more of this sort of information coming straight to your inbox then sign up below.

If you would like to know more about your Galactic Self checkout Simply Divine: an Easy guide to the Science of Spirituality which covers this topic in more depth.

Have you had any experience of your galactic self? Leave a comment below.



The problem with the Dalai Lama’s reponse to the Paris attacks

The problem with the Dalai Lama’s reponse to the Paris attacks

I have a problem with the Dalai Lama’s response to the Paris attacks in 2016. However, by examining his response we can actually learn a few spiritual principles so l am going to do that in this article.

A puzzling quote

In early 2016, after a violent incident in Paris that shook the world, the Dalai Lama was asked to give his opinion on how we should react in an interview with Murali Krishnan.

A lot of the interview covers the spiritual leader’s philosophies on peace, but on the incident in Paris he said,

“We cannot solve this problem only through praying. I am a Buddhist and I believe in praying. Humans have created this problem, and now we are asking God to resolve it. It is illogical. God would say, solve it yourself because you created it in the first place”.

I was quite amazed by this quote, but it is not the first time I have suspected something surprising: the Dalai Lama may not be as spiritually connected as many people think.

Let’s examine this point by point:-

The Power of Prayer

At the beginning of this quote he says we cannot solve the problem by praying even though he is a Buddhist and believes in praying.

In this quote he seems to reveal a lack of understanding prayer and its power. Prayer is simply the focus on intention and consciousness. It is about harnessing universal forces.

In the situation in Paris, this was exactly the point where good intentions and shifts in consciousness were vital. Ancient Eastern religions have long taught that consciousness is fundamental to reality and as someone steeped in such religions the Dalai Lama should have known that it is only by a shift in consciousness that the 3-D level can follow suit.

He also reveals in this quote that he believes that when we pray it is to something external: a ‘God’ outside ourselves. Buddhism and many other spiritual philosophies emphasise the God within ourselves and our connection to that unity. Yet this Paris quote is very indicative of a belief in an anthropomorphic God who can reach in and solve our issues.

Facing the Shadow

Nowhere in this quote does he discuss that these incidents reflect the reflection our own collective emotional shadow. But of course if we are all linked, then the universe simply reflects the interior of our consciousness.

Now that this concept has entered mainstream culture through books like, ‘The Secret’, it is even more amazing that one of the world’s foremost spiritual leaders does not explain this principle especially in a moment when the world needs to hear this so badly.

Understanding the emotional reflection of the shadow is the basis for personal and collective evolution of consciousness. This was a massive opportunity with the world looking at him to discuss how we are projecting our shadow and that we are all connected and have God within us.

But instead he perpetuated the rather puzzling view that we are separate from God which I would have thought was the opposite of Buddhism.


To me these are not the words of a someone who feels connected to the God within as true force in the universe. We do not pray to something outside ourselves, we are all one and connected; we are all God.

Ultimately we create these events from a Higher level and as a projection of our emotional shadow. So why would we create suffering and death? In reality nothing and nobody ever truly dies (although the pain in the 3-D realm is not to be disrespected or ignored).

A more empowering teaching is that every soul that incarnates has already made a decision as to their exact mode and time of death and this is unfolding in a perfect way. There are higher dimensional reasons for everything that occurs in 3-D but these are sometimes difficult to understand from the 3-D perspective as we go through pain, horror and grief.

Focusing on a polarity such as peace, will just maintain polarity as peace is the opposite of conflict. It is only through the integration of the shadow that we can see the polarity clearly enough to enter into a centred state. A true master does not focus on polarity and opposite – war vs peace etc,  but on clearing the emotional shadow on a personal level as this will also clear the collective consciousness.

Another questionable quote

I also question the following quote from the Tibetan leader.

‘Don’t let the behaviour of others destroy your inner peace.’

This quote from the Dalai Lama is actually the opposite of good spiritual practice. I am not saying that people need to be knocked about by others, but true spirituality is increased by the knowledge that we are all one and therefore seemingly annoying behaviour in others is simply a mirror being held up to our own selves.

The annoying behaviour of others is a message that we, in our own higher wisdom, have created for a reason and our job is not to ignore it and hope it will go away (it will actually come back in a stronger form), but to understand the lessons and the reflections and to integrate them and move forward into deeper wisdom.

Peace is not created from ignoring the call of your soul but by understanding that the entire universe is connected and that the events that happen in your life are created in your own higher wisdom to bring the perfect loving lessons for your own soul growth.

It may not bring short term comfort but in the long run this is the true road to peace.

What’s next?

If you would like to know more about these topics and how knowledge of quantum physics and black hole cosmology can increase your understanding of your own emotional maturity therefore freeing you to follow your true path, consider exploring Simply Divine – an easy guide to the science of spirituality.

This will give you a 6 month journey of a deeper understanding of the universe that even the most celebrated spiritual leaders will not give you as they do not have the new science of black holes.

Though online tutorials and self reflective work plus monthly live hangouts with Dr Manjir you can transform your life using this deeper understanding and bring the power of the cosmos to your life. To find out more click here.


Image Wikicommons Public Domain

Where’s your antimatter at?

Where’s your antimatter at?

Image:Graphic Stock/ Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton

In my first book, Punk Science I described how areas of the universe are made up of matter which we are familiar but also the universe is made up of antimatter.

The process of these coming together to make light in the form of gamma-rays is a process that occurs in black holes which I have described before, but did you know it may be key in your own life?

Building on the work of Dr John Demartini, author of The Breakthrough Experience, I also realised that the antimatter region of your own self may represent your shadow emotions – those aspects of you that you do not want to face.

Dr John Demartini author of the Breakthrough Experience. Credit Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton

Life, however will provide you with opportunities with which to face your shadow self – this is what we call the journey of life. It is how we handle these events that determines the level of transformation that they give us.

I hear a lot of spiritual teachers, some of them very famous, who tell you to ignore your emotions and people who may bother you in life. I teach the exact opposite; it is in the difficult events and people where the real treasure lies.

These events hold the clues to your own shadow self and emotions and it is by integrating your matter and antimatter in your own consciousness that you can increase the light in your being – just like in a galactic black hole!

This quick exercise can help you to integrate your shadow self and emotions.

If you would like to know more about the links between the science of the cosmos and your own life check out Simply Divine – an Easy guide to the Science of spirituality. You can find out more about the course here.

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