Fast Radio Bursts – finally solved!

Fast Radio Bursts – finally solved!

Fast Radio bursts are one of the biggest mysteries in science today.

You may have heard of them because scientists are so stumped as to what is causing them that they are inventing all sorts of theories. Even that they could be alien communications!

So that’s what we are looking at in this episode of Punk Science TV.

An unexpected signal

In 2007 a scientist named Duncan Lorimer was looking over old data from the 1990s for new insights on pulsars when his student found a huge spike that everybody else had missed.

It was a burst of radio waves that had so much power in a short time that it would have taken the equivalent of all the energy of the solar system to produce them.

It wasn’t very certain if they were an artefact or not but after a while, scientists were finding more of these Fast Radio Bursts or FRBs and they are one of the biggest mysteries of space.

Characteristics of FRBs

What we know about FRBs

1. They emit huge amounts of energy in a short time – we are talking about thousands of a second in some cases.
2. They are coming from various places in the universe including our own galaxy.
3. They can sometimes repeat themselves after days or even hours.
Sometimes the source becomes quiet and we haven’t seen them repeat yet.
4. FRBs come in different strengths.

Alien Radio?

Explanations that have been put forward have included everything from alien communication to neutron stars colliding. We also have a favourite – they are being emitted from objects called Magnetars which are like neutron stars with strong magnetic fields.

Magnetar Burst - artist impression

NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center/S. Wiessinger

(And let’s not forget – these are made-up objects anyway to try and explain the effects we see in space! We haven’t actually seen them directly.)

Chasing the Gamma Rays to the Black Hole

Well, we are now tracking the source of the FRBs and have found that Gamma Ray bursts and X-rays are found in the same area at around the same time.

These are barn door characteristics of The Black Hole Principle.

1. You have the power emitted in a short amount of time, much more than can be explained easily. That’s because the energy is entering into our dimension from infinity.

2. The seemingly random patterns – emission over seconds, hours, days, months or even years can be possible.

It’s the breathing process of the black hole principle that can seem random to us.

3. FRBs are coming from all over space which would be expected as BHP is fractal in nature.

4. And they are associated with gamma-ray bursts and X-rays which I have long spoken about as the consequence of the antimatter, matter and light cycle at the edge of the black hole.

The Black Hole Principle

The Black Hole Principle

There are lots of types of energy emitted by BHP and this includes microwaves and radio waves.

Easy and Effortless

You don’t need any weird explanation for FRB. The universe is effortless. It breathes at every level.

So does this mean there are no aliens in space? No! But you don’t need to evoke aliens to explain FRBs when you understand the Black Hole Principle. It all becomes easy.

What do you think? Have FRBs been solved? Leave a comment below. 


Ancient Legends, Racist Projections?

Ancient Legends, Racist Projections?

Ancient Legends, Racist Projections?

In this article, I would like to discuss something disturbing when it comes to ancient legends and history. It seems there is a new type of racist attitude when it comes to local legends of various gods.

Local legends around the world attribute various achievements to gods and giants. But modern thinking ignores these local legends and attributes these achievements to the ancestors of the people living there now.

But in some ways isn’t that worse: to ignore the voices of indigenous peoples around the world and project Western scientific values onto them in the name of anti-racism? By not listening to the voices of indigenous people when it comes to the attribution of past achievements, are we projecting a new type of racism onto them instead? Do we have a case of ancient legends, racist projections? 

Preserving the memories of the gods

A few years ago I was visiting the ruins of Tulum on the Yucatan peninsula. There, literally carved in stone, are figures carved in the sides of temples that depict the gods returning to Earth. Our guide told us some of the accompanying stories that the gods were supposed to one day return to earth having lived amongst humans in the distant past.

Descending God (Tulum)

By El Comandante (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

We see a similar motif around the world. Local legends about mysterious structures say that giants or gods built something them in the distant past. This applies to everything from The Giants Causeway in Northern Ireland to the legends around Puma Punku which say that the god Viracocha and his giant servants created much of the world. A lot of myths such as those from Sumerian cultures speak of how the gods gave human beings skills such as metallurgy and even makeup.

Some of these local legends have survived to this day and are carefully preserved by indigenous cultures around the world. Yet an interesting trend is occurring whereby people who take these legends seriously are accused of being racist for not believing that the ancestors of the local people could have created marvellous structures.

Yes, there might be some actual white supremacists amongst them but I would argue that it is actually racist to dismiss the voice and agency of the local peoples and cultures that have so carefully preserved this heritage. Just because it does not suit the current Western scientific paradigm to accept that gods and giants lived amongst us in the distant past and built certain monuments doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen and it is insulting to the people whose histories contain such stories.

Dismissing indigenous agency and science

What is worse is that people who do believe the local legends are accused of being racist because they are not giving the credit for these great feats to the local people. But by dismissing the voice and agency of local people I think it is actually another offence. It is yet another projection of the way we want people of other cultures to be, but may not reflect who they actually are. In a way, it is yet another colonialist, paternalistic attitude which yet again removes the agency from people.

When I was in Japan in 2008 at the Hokkaido summit for Shifting the Assumptions in Science, one of the main points we discussed was that the science of various indigenous peoples of the world needs to be respected. Too often their scientific ideas are dismissed as primitive, when they may actually be more in tune with how the universe actually is: not how we are projecting it to be.

So for example when aboriginal legends discuss the Dreamtime as an aspect of the universe with no end or beginning – that sounds very much like higher dimensions beyond space and time. Just because it sounds different from modern physics doesn’t make it any less real when it comes to how the universe works.

I have made a little video to illustrate the issue of this new type of projection. By writing this article and making this video, I hope that more people can become aware of this and move through it. Please leave your comments below and tell me what you think.

Images: Wikimedia Commons, Pixabay,  Vyond

An Alien in my Bedroom

An Alien in my Bedroom

Sometimes other dimensions can appear quite dramatically into this one. This time, I am going to discuss the time I woke up to see an alien in my bedroom.

The Perfect Life?

Back in early 2002, my life was very different to how it is now. I lived in a smart area of the UK just outside of London, I was working as a doctor, my husband was a doctor; he had just acquired a sports car and we had our own townhouse by the canal.

From the outside, we looked like the perfect, successful young couple. But the cracks had long been appearing. Ironically it was the initial success of the marriage I had entered into in 1995 that had given me the safe place to grow and I ended up changing dramatically. My spiritual growth had accelerated to the point that my husband no longer understood me and I was also deeply unhappy in a medical job that reflected the reductionist, fear-based paradigm.

Little did I know that this dissatisfaction at my life was part of a greater perspective orchestrated by other levels of consciousness that, even now, I still don’t fully understand. But I guess this is why, in around February 2002, I awoke to find an alien in my bedroom.

The Night Visitor

I was sleeping in bed with my husband and around 2-3am I awoke to find I was sleeping on my right side which was unusual and had the distinct sensation that someone was rummaging around in my back! I had the strange sensation of there being fingers actually inside my back which was hot but I wouldn’t say I was burning.

And in front of me was a strange sight. I can only seem to describe it as a blue blob that had a swirling within it. It looked to me almost like a water cooler bottle on its side. And it was edging, amoeba-like, out of the door. One of my immediate thoughts was that I didn’t understand why it had to use the door as it was in a different dimension and surely the door did not exist in that one.

The other was, I must admit, a bit of fear. At the time, I had just starting channelling and the beings coming through me said that their collective name was Angelis. So inwardly I pleaded, “help me, Angelis”. But then a thought which felt intrusive as if from outside myself said, “how do you know this isn’t Angelis?” I realised that I didn’t know.

I tried to wake up my husband to see it, but I could not rouse him. I knew it was not meant to be – that he was not meant to see it. So I relaxed a bit watching the thing move away.

The dimensional overlay

And the rest of the room was in a sort of eerie light. I could see overlays of other dimensions onto this one. I realised the futility of what we think is property ownership. We don’t really own anything in 3-D – there are many dimensions above this one that makes all that seem so irrelevant.

For the rest of the night, my consciousness seemed to dance around the planet. I went anywhere a thought would take me. I flew over the countryside of England looking at green fields and in the state that I was in, I saw different aliens just wandering around.

There are many different types that exist in the different octaves of dimensions all around us. But we don’t normally perceive them.

I wondered if they really did land on The White House lawn, so suddenly my consciousness saw the deals done behind our back between aliens and USA government agencies.

At one point, I went to visit my friend in her flat in London and her emotional body appeared like a matrix of intersection points – some seemingly thicker than other points. I intuitively knew what the emotions were that were stuck there and helped to release them.

Journeys in consciousness

An Alien in my Bedroom

For much of the rest of the night, I had more explorations in consciousness – most of which I cannot remember. At one point I was in the jungles of Central America and being shown that many more pyramids are covered by vegetation and just waiting to be discovered.

This last revelation may be already known to you but at the time a) this wasn’t often discussed if at all and b) it wasn’t something that I knew about from my education so far. A week or so later I saw confirmation of this in an article in New Scientist. In fact, at the time of writing a news story is breaking that even more extensive Mayan ruins have been found in Guatemala. 

We are all from Krypton

An Alien in my Bedroom

I also got a feeling that I understood how to move my consciousness in order to do certain feats, even some we normally associate with the comic character Superman! Have you ever seen the sections of the Superman films when other visitors from the planet Krypton discover their powers here on Earth? They can fly and they can stop a bullet. Well, these are all things we can do too!

Our bodies are made up of information and consciousness – we know this from physics. At the macro level we think we are solid but deep into the atom we are ’empty space’. What I realised in the altered state was that we can actually move this consciousness any way we want. Most of us are not at the perspective to be able to do this but some people have developed themselves enough to be able to manipulate reality, although it takes a lot of practice.

That day I realised it is possible to manipulate consciousness so that we can fly. Or even will the atoms in your own hand to come together so strongly you can stop a ‘speeding bullet’.

Implanted for Blast Off

As for the hands in my back. I somehow knew I had been implanted with a geometry of consciousness that was a triangle or pyramid. I had travelled to ancient pyramids throughout the night. Later that day, I looked up a passage in the book by Barbara Marciniak, Bringers of the Dawn that discusses how we may start to be implanted with shapes including the triangle and it felt so true to me.

As you may or may not know, my life changed dramatically after that. You could say that I stepped out of the box that I had been living in so far. I wonder, but cannot know for certain, if I was somehow being prepared for the changes about to happen in my life.

If so, it is an amazing reminder of just how orchestrated our lives are at some level. I did not call in a being or even consciously wish for the changes. But somewhere in the universe, it was decided that there would be an ‘alien’ in my bedroom.

To explore more about the science of aliens and dimensions, check out Simply Divine: An Easy Guide to the Science of Spirituality where these ideas are explored in more detail. 

Images: Pixabay, Shutterstock

The Disclosure Distraction

The Disclosure Distraction

The Disclosure Distraction

You may have noticed people discussing the concept of UFO Disclosure. This is the idea that governments, especially that of the USA, are going to admit they have already been in contact with UFOs and extra-terrestrial intelligence. Sometimes it includes the possibility that the public at large is going to be exposed to alien contact in the not too distant future. But as we shall see, I feel that this is taking people away from accessing the dimension within. It is what I call, The Disclosure Dimension. 

Over the period of 20 years, I have watched various phases of intensity of anticipation that the US government is going to admit that it has had UFO contact. Some may even be hoping that all details about a Roswell UFO crash, Area 51 and other potential evidence of alien visitations to this planet will be finally revealed.

I am not denying that this could indeed happen and that humankind may, in the near future, start to get used to contact with aliens, but in my mind, the whole Disclosure scene is a big distraction.

Some of the main proponents may even be government agents, creating this distraction so that people who are waking up spiritually pay more attention to the idea that governments are in charge of human and alien contact than their own empowerment.

Alien worlds within

The truth is that each and every one of us has the potential to have alien contact at all times, most of us just do not know it. And I see the whole Disclosure movement as one that is misleading people as to the nature of aliens.

The Disclosure movement perpetuates the notion that aliens exist in the same way that we exist: as flesh and blood, three-dimensional beings. So people who are waiting for Disclosure are on the lookout for something physical – a craft or a body. They are expecting something they can pick up and touch.

But what this does is keep people from exploring their inner space, where they would find they have a hotline to ‘alien’ realms anyway. Whether or not it intends to do so, the Disclosure movement distracts people who would otherwise be spiritually awake and keeps them looking at the government instead, waiting for a physical UFO to appear complete with little aliens.

In short, the Disclosure movement distracts you from your true heritage and abilities – your multidimensionality.

The Alien Dimensions

I say ‘physical’ and flesh and blood vs dimensional beings but in reality, nothing is physical and solid. We know that from over a century of scientific investigation. We also know that there are strong reasons for the idea that we are living In a universe of many dimensions of reality.

As I have written about extensively elsewhere, the universe is one of many dimensions of consciousness. We are in just one of them. This is probably why so much of the universe is hidden to us in so-called dark energy and dark matter. We are aware of so little around us.

There are myriads of dimensions of consciousness and they are brimming with all sorts of beings from what we would call ghosts to fairies to angels and aliens. Aliens are not extraterrestrial but interdimensional. The UFOs, alien encounters and abductions that are reported are due to the ability of beings to cross dimensions. In fact, all paranormal and supernatural activity is down to other dimensions leaking into this one.

In the case of what we call aliens and UFOs, they seem to have developed the ability to come into our world at will. One of the tell-tale signs of this, I think, is the peachy orange glow that many people report seeing around UFOs. I think this is an artefact of the step-down process to take something from another dimension and bring it into this one.

disclosure distraction

Orange UFO Image: Graphicstock

Alien contact is happening now

Aliens exist and they exist all around us in different frequencies. If we were to tune into these frequencies we would see them too. People throughout the ages have been doing this. Some have been taken out of our dimension and into theirs against their will. This is called alien abduction.

Sometimes people are able to see alien beings and receive messages from them. This is called mysticism clairvoyance and channelling. Multidimensional people have long known that we are not alone.

There are growing numbers of mystics now as the human race is evolving. I have encountered many people who have experienced beings in their bedrooms at night. The stories are fairly similar. I myself have seen UFOs several times and interacted with the consciousness of them too. I have myself seen a being in a different dimension at night and went on a journey of consciousness that confirmed all that I am saying here. I will link to that article later.

The Disclosure within

Disclosure distraction

Inner access to Dimensions Image: Pixabay

What is stopping most people from experiencing the same is the personal development required to become more interdimensional. Most people won’t even go there because these things are deliberately ridiculed and hidden in our society.

A big part of this is also because rulers throughout the ages have gained their power source from beings in different dimensions and they don’t want the general public to find this out, hence the ridicule of anybody who suggests it.

So when it comes to Disclosure, understand that you could be being distracted from true contact. That contact is within you and you don’t need to wait around for a government agency to reveal this to you.

Let’s take back our power collectively and develop our own minds and consciousness into accessing other dimensions. This is when we will have the true disclosure within. To explore the connections between Higher Dimensions in science and ‘alien’ consciousness, check out Simply Divine: an Easy Guide to the Science of Spirituality. 

Main Image: Deposit Photos.

Meditation: Integrating your Inner Lizzie

Meditation: Integrating your Inner Lizzie


There is a growing awareness of a discrepancy in the world – there are a few people who have the power and they keep the rest of us under control. Some people are becoming aware of other levels to the control such as alien or reptilian beings. Whatever your take on this, this concept can create fear. So this time we are going to be doing a Meditation on Integrating your Inner Lizzie. 

The Point of no Return

In the year 2001, right after the 9/11 incident, I was visiting some friends. They had the TV on which was showing a memorial ceremony for the people who died in the event. My friend asked me if I could see ‘them’. He was referring to the interdimensional beings that were around the senior politicians of that time. Until that point, I had heard the concept that interdimensional beings were controlling our world leaders, but thought it was far-fetched.

But as I watched this memorial, my vision somehow shifted and suddenly I saw them. They were standing behind certain public figures and were psychically attached to them. They were tall and almost integrated into the humans that they followed.

I was stunned. Suddenly David Icke did not look like the nutter that everybody thought he was. I now literally could see what he was talking about. And so began a period of my life where I began to consume a lot of material about the controllers of the world. I avidly read the book by David Icke called ‘The Biggest Secret’ and learnt about The Money Masters and other aspects of what is known as conspiracy theories.

Intergalactic Tank Girl

Integrating your inner lizzie

A woman dressed up as the Tank Girl character at a Cosplay event

I began to feel that we were in a battle and we would need to literally fight interdimensional beings who secretly controlled our world and created perpetual wars. Like some Intergalactic Tank Girl, I felt I needed to ready myself as a warrior. Underneath all of this was a very real emotion – FEAR. Reading about the hidden controllers of the planet was making me fearful. You see this new paradigm I had fallen into was all about separation: them and us.

Integrating the Light Strand

One day that all changed. I was pondering to myself about the fact that we share our DNA with reptilian beings and whoosh something happened. I understood the unity. It was as if a light strand had plugged into place in my being. I realised that no matter what, we are all part of each other and every being is a part of the unconditional love that pervades the entire universe.

From that moment on I was no longer fearful and let go of the idea that I needed to be a Tank Girl warrior. I know there are very real issues going on in the world but starting with separation and perpetuating that stance isn’t going to help.We are all from the same source ultimately and it was with this consciousness that we need to move forward. It isn’t enough to have unity consciousness about things that you like and having it all go out the window for something that you don’t like.

The Human Game

Some years later I had a vision and I saw that just as humanity, as a collective, were descending from source and higher dimensions, a bit split off and it is this split that became our nemesis. We did this to ourselves because we are THAT powerful. We needed to create for ourselves the grit by which we will grow. The human race are not victims, they are more powerful than we can imagine. We are here playing a game to learn.

But we created that game out of love for ourselves to grow. It is hard to see that from a 3D perspective when all we see is suffering and death and I don’t mean to say that the pain should not be expressed at that.

But there is a big picture. Ultimately we will all go on to a different plane and we take our learnings from this incarnation.

So we have created a nemesis for ourselves from the fullness of our being as a human race.

Integrating your ‘Inner Lizzie’

But what can we do to alleviate the fear? Well, I have a process that I call Integrating the Inner Lizzie. I actually was requested to speak on this by one of my readers and we recently did an online meeting when a meditation spontaneously arose to heal the Inner Lizzie. It was quite powerful and I have noticed the different feeling I have afterwards.

So I am including it for you here for you to stream for free.


This was part of The Conscious Science Club which comes free for 12 months when you buy Simply Divine. If you are interested in more content like this then have a look at Simply Divine – an Easy guide to the Science of Spirituality.

What do you make of this week’s blog? Do you think this is all nonsense or do you think coming out of fear at the politics of the world is a good idea? Let me know in the comments below. 

Images: Pixabay, Wikicommons

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