X-ray bubbles in the Milky Way

X-ray bubbles in the Milky Way

We have already discussed the Gamma-ray bubbles in the Milky Way, now scientists have discovered bubbles made of X-rays. Although these pose a puzzle to current science, in this episode of Punk Science TV, we explain how the X-ray bubbles are created by The Black Hole Principle.

Gamma-ray bubbles found by Fermi

In 2010, the Fermi telescope found gamma-ray bubbles in the Milky Way either side of the central black hole. On the further resolution of the initial image, two concentrated jets could be seen.

Fermi bubbles

Credit NASA Goddard


At the time, scientists said they had no idea what was actually causing these gamma-ray bubbles. Even the person who found them said that it kind of just confuses everything. This is because mainstream scientists were not actually expecting to find such powerful emissions seeming to come from the central black hole of our home galaxy.

More bubbles found – X-rays this time

To make matters worse for mainstream scientists, people have now found some more bubbles but this time these are X-ray bubbles. These new findings have been published in the journal, Nature which reports how these new bubbles extend even further than the gamma-ray bubbles that were previously found.

This is very puzzling and is leading to headlines such as ‘Our galaxy is blowing enormous hot bubbles into space and no one knows why.’

X-ray bubbles Milky Way

Bubbles explained

But that’s not entirely true, because if you are aware of The Black Hole Principle, you’ll expect black holes to give off bipolar jets.

The Black Hole Principle says that light comes from infinity, through the dimensions to our dimension, then splits into matter and antimatter and combines again into light at that Perception Horizon that’s actually at the speed of light.

That combination into light is actually most commonly in the form of a Gamma-Ray burst. Because the Black Hole Principle occurs at every level of the universe, the type of light that is produced can vary. 


The Black Hole Principle

The Black Hole Principle

Two poles of X-rays from fast-moving electrons

The ‘breathing’ process in the Black Hole Principle that creates matter and antimatter occurs just below the speed of light. The matter that is produced can often be in the form of electrons. This means that the electrons have only just ‘slowed down’ to below the speed of light. 

This is what we see through our telescopes; we see fast-streaming electrons coming from black holes and indeed from every level of the universe. We even see this happening in the thunderstorms above our heads. Fast-moving electrons can result in X-rays.

The Black Hole Principle gives off a pattern of intermittent gamma rays and X-rays as the black hole is ‘breathing’ in and out. These emissions often take the form of two jets at 180 degrees to each other. 


Black Holes produce jets at the speed of light

Bubbles predicted

And so that’s why, with knowledge of The Black Hole Principle, we would expect there to be two poles of emissions either side of this galaxy. The bubbles are being created by the bipolar jets of gamma rays and X-rays, which are spiralling and rotating. 

Bubbles have also been spotted around other objects such as stars. When you start looking, you can find many examples of bipolar jets and even bubbles around various structures in the universe.

So according to The Black Hole Principle, this is the explanation for why X-ray bubbles are appearing in the Milky Way.

What are your thoughts on why the galaxy is blowing bubbles? Please leave your comments below. 


The Milky Way suddenly got brighter and nobody knows why.

The Milky Way suddenly got brighter and nobody knows why.

A Bright Mystery

In August 2019, Scientists spotted that the centre of our own galaxy, The Milky Way became 75 times brighter in just a few hours. It was in the Near-infrared spectrum so wasn’t visible to the ‘naked eye’. This was an increase far greater and faster than ever seen before.

Some Astronomers were at a loss as to how this occurred. Some people speculated that the flare-up was caused by a star falling into the black hole at the centre. The black hole is called Sagittarius A.

Of course, according to The Black Hole Principle, sudden flare-ups in brightness are to be expected. This is because, as light reaches us from higher dimensions, it splits into matter and antimatter. But then these can recombine to form light again. This can take various forms including gamma-ray bursts.

Our Breathing Galaxy

The timing of these cycles varies, from a few seconds to several months or even more. This is why we see these sudden flare-ups. They represent the ‘breathing’ process of The Black Hole Principle.

We even have some evidence that the gases near the centre of the Milky Way called High-velocity clouds ‘breathe’ in and out.

A quote from a Scientific American article discussing clouds of gas in the Milky Way that appear to be breathing in and out.

A problem solved

When you understand the underlying pattern, the sudden brightness of the black hole at the centre of the Milky Way can be explained. As to how it becomes so bright – well we are talking about the light from infinity coming into our world!

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Why is the Galaxy blowing bubbles?

Why is the Galaxy blowing bubbles?

Gamma-ray bubbles have been detected around the Milky Way for a few years. Why are they there?

An unexpected discovery

In 2010, the Fermi telescope discovered two huge bubbles either side of the Milky Way Galaxy. This was in the Gamma-Ray aspect of the electromagnetic spectrum. To this day, mainstream scientists don’t understand what these structures are caused by.

Credit: NASA

In falling debris?

Early ideas suggested that this could have been an ancient explosion. But these gas cloud bubbles are still moving so some people think they represent material which fell into the black hole at the centre of the galaxy before being accelerated away to almost the speed of light.

Further resolution of the image provides clues. We can now see bipolar jets, one of the hallmarks of The Black Hole Principle.

Credit: NASA


The Solution

The gamma-ray jets are being produced by the central black hole at the speed of light and particles are also being accelerated at near-light speeds.

Reports that similar bubbles are being found around our nearest neighbour, Andromeda. So this type of pattern is possibly normal. This is to be expected in The Black Hole Principle.

The mystery of the Fermi bubbles is now solved: it is The Black Hole Principle in action. 

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