An Unsung Hero of Science

An Unsung Hero of Science

An Unsung Hero of Science

There he was: an unassuming, humble man telling anyone who would listen about his crystal technology. He even had photographs of the crystals he was growing in his laboratory, but I must admit I did not know what I was looking at. Little did I know that he was about to change my life. 

This was April 2001, in Albuquerque, New Mexico USA at a conference on science and consciousness. He gave me a copy of his article and I packed it in my suitcase along with the signed copies of books by William Tiller, Lawrence Fagg and a then relatively unknown author called David Hatcher Childress.

It was only when I got home and looked at the paper that I realised this unassuming man, who wasn’t even a speaker at the conference, was on to a really big scientific idea. His words resonated with me and made me feel like I was trying to remember something.

The man’s name was John Milewsksi and the concept that got my attention was that light comes out of black holes and creates all the forces of the universe. He called the light, Superlight and explained that there was one source: one force.

Background to Dr Milewski

I later found out some of the background to Dr Milewski. He is a retired Los Alamos National Lab scientist who is an internationally recognized leader in his field of Advanced Materials with more than 42 publications and 30 patents. He has several degrees in Chemical Engineering, a Masters in Metallurgy and a PhD in Ceramic Engineering. He is a former employee at Exxon Research Center and at Thiokol Chemical, Rocket Engine Division.

He is also an entrepreneur who founded his own research company called Superkinetic, Inc. to work on a revolutionary electric light bulb which uses a single-crystal-fibre filament, a permanent exhibit at the Smithsonian American History Museum. 

For some years he has been known on the lecture circuit speaking on Ormus which is another area of his expertise and there are several videos online of him apparently making gold in a microwave. 


Despite his credentials, I feel he is someone who just isn’t getting the recognition that he should be probably because of his understanding of the spiritual dimensions of the universe and how intrinsic they are to the way the universe works. 

I saw him lecturing some years later and told him that his work had inspired me. I have emailed him since, hoping to send him a copy of Punk Science but received no reply. In my mind, he is one of the unsung heroes of science.

The Big Idea

Taking inspiration from the work of William Tiller who realised that the solution to Maxwell’s equations involving imaginary numbers, could have implications for our world. Normally we leave out the solutions that arise from the square root of a negative number which is called imaginary numbers in mathematics.

But Professor Tiller realised this could be describing a different type of radiation; whereas normal light is electromagnetic radiation then there is another solution that gives magneto-electric radiation or Superlight.

Superlight has a strong magnetic component and travels at the speed of light squared.

Milewski theorised that black holes are a source of Superlight radiation. He believes that Superlight is the singularity and the source of all forces in physics including gravity.

This is a quote from his paper on Gravity.

Gravity is not an attraction! It is the result of a universal pressure, exerted by SuperLight as it rains in from infinity, from all directions, onto every object.

When I had the vision that gave me The Black Hole Principle, my ideas diverged from that of Milewski’s in that I think the singularity of transcendent light is beyond that of the c2 but his concept of the one source: one force is true for the black hole principle too.

I think for me he is one of the unsung heroes of science because he correctly deduced that light comes out of black holes and creates all the forces of physics.

He definitely helped to inspire me. Who do you think are the unsung heroes and heroines of science? Please comment below and let me know. I may just feature them in a future article. 


Image: Still from Videoblocks and Goanimate


Childlessness and The Genius Groove

Childlessness and The Genius Groove

Childlessness and The Genius Groove

As mother’s day is approaching in the UK at the time of writing, I would like to do something I have never done before and come out in public as a person who is Childless not by Choice or CNBC. For the first time, I am going to sharing my personal journey and also be reflecting on childlessness and The Genius Groove.

Some of you may have noticed that my website was absent from between 2015 – 2017. There is a myriad of reasons for this but one of them is that I was on a journey of grief due to childlessness. This has led me to lots of realisations as to who we are as human beings and what our purpose is on this planet so I thought I would share.

The assumption of family

I have always wanted to be a mother. I grew up with two sisters and a working mother and father. Ours was the sort of house where we would gather around the kitchen table and chat. We also went places as a family to visit other families, as is the norm for Asian culture, so I always expected this family-centric life to continue.

I did get married quite young at 21 years old, but I was still a medical student and because I had a working mother who was away for long hours, I didn’t want to have children during my years as a junior doctor. I wanted to be in a position where I could focus on my children.

So, in the late 1990s, I envisaged a future for myself where I would travel the world as a speaker and author, earning enough to also have time for my children. My future children were always at the heart of my career plans.

To juggle or not juggle?

Childlessness and The Genius Groove

Image: Shutterstock

I went on to train as a GP and this is when a lot of my colleagues started to get married and have babies. I looked at them juggling their breast pumps and their bleeps and I thought again that I did not want to put my own children through all that. I thought it best to wait until I could take a career break.

But as many of you know from my book The Genius Groove, by the time I had finished my training as a GP, my marriage was on the rocks. I would not dream of bringing a child into a relationship that was not stable and about to collapse so although my long hours had diminished, I was no longer in a suitable relationship.

My marriage ended and after a few years I found my new partner and looked forward to starting a family with him. To save our privacy I will not go into the details of what happened next, but suffice to say that we did not have a child together. All the while my career as an author and speaker took off, but it was a lot more work than I envisaged back in the late 1990s.

There were many times when I would travel with very little notice. Looking back, hand on heart, if I had been a mother at that point I would have had to say no to all those dream opportunities. And I would be sitting here now without that sense of achievement.

Reaching the end and reaching out

It all came to a crashing halt when my body went into menopause a lot earlier than expected whilst still in my early 40s. That same year no less than eight of my friends were in various stages of pregnancy, some of them for the first time. So not only was I facing a future of childlessness, some of my friendships would never be the same again.

I had an uneasy feeling growing inside me. I was happy for my friends. I love children and babies and even did a conference about indigo children so I am delighted to spend time with children. But the uneasy feeling would come to me at times.

I looked online for discussions about women without children and only found articles about people who were adamant that they never wanted children and were happily childfree. Or I found sites discussing infertility. But what if the fertility journey had come to an end? I did a google search for ‘childless and don’t want to be’ and at last, I found Jody Day and Gateway Women.

A new gateway

Jody Day is a British author and psychologist who found herself childless by circumstance. She has broken down barriers in this taboo subject and is doing a lot to get the subject of being childless not by choice into the public eye.

Crucially, she realised that people who are childless not by choice, feel grief. Grief is normally only assigned to parents who have lost children but those who have never had them also feel a type of grief that is often not recognised as such.

She has founded an online community called Gateway Women. They also have in-person meetups around the world. This subject is still so secret and taboo that I had to go through various checks before being allowed in.

Healing the healer

So here I was, an international speaker, Amazon best-selling author and even TV host. I had written books on the subject of emotions and had been a holistic therapist for some years not to mention having been a GP. But I had no road map for these emotions. I needed help to navigate the torrent of feelings that were going through me about not being a mother when I so badly wanted to be.

Being part of the community for some years now has helped me so much to heal the grief I feel. Along the way, I have come to learn a lot about the dynamics of having children and also where we get our sense of purpose. So here are some of the things I have learnt.

Children and Purpose 

This is one of the biggest lessons I have learnt on my healing journey. It is sometimes an unspoken tenet of society that your children are meant to be your greatest purpose in life. Otherwise, why would you be working at a job you hate to bring in money if it wasn’t to build a life for your family? Having children makes it all worth it.

It’s been said straight to my face – what is your purpose if you don’t have children? Luckily for me, such comments are rare as I have a public life. My sense of purpose is out for people to see. It has amazed me that in all the time I have spent travelling the world speaking when I was on my own, nobody asked me if I was married or if I had a man in tow. My work spoke for itself.

I found my Genius Groove but people don’t always find theirs. Our education system is designed to numb out our creativity and funnel us into jobs that pay the bills instead.

So if the children that your life was supposed to revolve around do not manifest then what are you supposed to do after that? People stay in jobs that they do not love where they don’t feel a sense of purpose and not having children compounds these feelings.

Excusing our dreams

But what does that say about wider society? That to some degree, we have substituted having children for having a purpose and fulfilling our creative dreams. For some, having children and being a parent might truly be their creativity. But we are also individuals and part of our inner journey and our path in life is to discover who we are in our own right.

But this can be hard work: to stand up and be counted for what you really want to do and who you really are. It feels much easier to cover all that over and children give the perfect excuse to not fulfil your true potential. You can point to your children and your responsibilities.

A lot of children are not planned so it cannot be said that they are consciously brought into the world as an excuse to not face ourselves. But once they arrive they can take on that role.

So this gives another double whammy for childless people. They not only haven’t had the child and have all that readjustment to do, they also have to face questions that people with children may put aside such as why am I here and what is my purpose?

Moving on

With childlessness from all causes on the rise and about a quarter of women in Europe and the USA reaching menopause without having had children, these conversations are only going to become more prevalent. Thanks to Jody Day and Gateway Women and others for getting that ball rolling. They have helped me immensely.

As time goes by I feel very different. The grief, although it never entirely goes away does diminish as I do the work of processing my feelings. I realise now that I could not have fulfilled so many of my dreams if I had been a mother. Although it has been a tough journey, I understand and even now celebrate why I chose at a soul level not to have children.

It is mainly the work of Jody Day and her community that gave me a map to understand my own feelings that I could not articulate that has moved me forward into this place where I feel whole again.

At this unprecedented time in human history when childlessness from all sorts of reasons is so prevalent, we can gain new insights into our dynamics around parenthood and our sense of purpose. Together we can greater insights into parenting and The Genius Groove.

I leave you with a list of resources
Gateway Women
Childless Not by choice 
Childless Mothers Connect 
The Not Mom and Not Mom summit 

I know this is a controversial post. Please do not leave suggestions in the comments as to how I can adopt or some other solution that you think is being helpful. I would welcome your thoughts on the main points though.  

Image: Pixabay



Ancient Legends, Racist Projections?

Ancient Legends, Racist Projections?

Ancient Legends, Racist Projections?

In this article, I would like to discuss something disturbing when it comes to ancient legends and history. It seems there is a new type of racist attitude when it comes to local legends of various gods.

Local legends around the world attribute various achievements to gods and giants. But modern thinking ignores these local legends and attributes these achievements to the ancestors of the people living there now.

But in some ways isn’t that worse: to ignore the voices of indigenous peoples around the world and project Western scientific values onto them in the name of anti-racism? By not listening to the voices of indigenous people when it comes to the attribution of past achievements, are we projecting a new type of racism onto them instead? Do we have a case of ancient legends, racist projections? 

Preserving the memories of the gods

A few years ago I was visiting the ruins of Tulum on the Yucatan peninsula. There, literally carved in stone, are figures carved in the sides of temples that depict the gods returning to Earth. Our guide told us some of the accompanying stories that the gods were supposed to one day return to earth having lived amongst humans in the distant past.

Descending God (Tulum)

By El Comandante (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

We see a similar motif around the world. Local legends about mysterious structures say that giants or gods built something them in the distant past. This applies to everything from The Giants Causeway in Northern Ireland to the legends around Puma Punku which say that the god Viracocha and his giant servants created much of the world. A lot of myths such as those from Sumerian cultures speak of how the gods gave human beings skills such as metallurgy and even makeup.

Some of these local legends have survived to this day and are carefully preserved by indigenous cultures around the world. Yet an interesting trend is occurring whereby people who take these legends seriously are accused of being racist for not believing that the ancestors of the local people could have created marvellous structures.

Yes, there might be some actual white supremacists amongst them but I would argue that it is actually racist to dismiss the voice and agency of the local peoples and cultures that have so carefully preserved this heritage. Just because it does not suit the current Western scientific paradigm to accept that gods and giants lived amongst us in the distant past and built certain monuments doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen and it is insulting to the people whose histories contain such stories.

Dismissing indigenous agency and science

What is worse is that people who do believe the local legends are accused of being racist because they are not giving the credit for these great feats to the local people. But by dismissing the voice and agency of local people I think it is actually another offence. It is yet another projection of the way we want people of other cultures to be, but may not reflect who they actually are. In a way, it is yet another colonialist, paternalistic attitude which yet again removes the agency from people.

When I was in Japan in 2008 at the Hokkaido summit for Shifting the Assumptions in Science, one of the main points we discussed was that the science of various indigenous peoples of the world needs to be respected. Too often their scientific ideas are dismissed as primitive, when they may actually be more in tune with how the universe actually is: not how we are projecting it to be.

So for example when aboriginal legends discuss the Dreamtime as an aspect of the universe with no end or beginning – that sounds very much like higher dimensions beyond space and time. Just because it sounds different from modern physics doesn’t make it any less real when it comes to how the universe works.

I have made a little video to illustrate the issue of this new type of projection. By writing this article and making this video, I hope that more people can become aware of this and move through it. Please leave your comments below and tell me what you think.

Images: Wikimedia Commons, Pixabay,  Vyond

Is the Holy Grail hidden in Hertfordshire?

Is the Holy Grail hidden in Hertfordshire?

Is the Holy Grail hidden in Hertfordshire?

People often say that The truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. When it comes to the Holy Grail, it is the subject of much fascination. Is it a cup used by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper? Is it is a stone as some traditions assert or could it even be a person with Royal Blood?

The concept of the Holy Grail has inspired many writers and since the success of the book, The Da Vinci Code, interest in subjects such as The Holy Grail, Mary Magdalene and even the Cathars have soared.

But there is a story that has not reached the headlines and has been hidden away in a sleepy corner of England, pretty much ignored. It is the story of how a heretical sect seems to have escaped persecution in France and established itself a few miles north of London.

They carried with them an object of veneration and founded their order upon this relic. What was this object and its significance? Could this be the object secreted from France after the sect was persecuted? If so we have to ask the question – Is the Holy Grail Hidden in Hertfordshire?

The History of Ashridge

My interest in the story began around 2001 when I had just moved to the town of Berkhamsted in Hertfordshire UK. At the time I was still working as a medical GP. I also had acquired a dog that year which led me to go for long walks in the National Trust Land which lies just behind Berkhamsted called Ashridge Estate and today it is mainly famous for its business school.

Is the Holy Grail hidden in Hertfordshire

Ashridge House. Image: wikicommons

So I got to know the local landscape including the business school which is on the site of much older settlements going way back to 1283 when a monastery was built on the site. When King Henry VIII dissolved the monasteries, this became the home of the young Princess Elizabeth before she was announced as the Queen. It then passed into the hands of aristocratic families before becoming a business school in the 20th century.

The house is rarely opened to the public but I have visited under special circumstances. I have even been underneath the house to the well that the monks used. It is the monastery and the order that founded it which is of interest to us in this article as they may hold the key to a mystery that has been plaguing people for some generations; what was removed by the Cathars at the siege of Montsegur?

The Cathar Connection

To understand why this is a mystery we need to back up a bit to explain who the Cathars were and how they can be linked to Ashridge.
In Southern France in the 12th Century, a sect of Christianity arose that the church would go on to call heretical and wipe out completely. They are known today as the Cathars. By a modern mystic’s standards, the Cathar ideas that remain with us are very appealing.

They believed in living humbly and focusing instead on direct spiritual experiences. Some of the sect lived a life of chastity and poverty. They were known as ‘Perfect’ people or Bonhommes – good men. Obviously, this direct access to spiritual realms was threatening to the power of the church and they were systematically wiped out in one of the worse genocides in history.

Some Cathars held out for months in a stronghold fortress on the top of a hill called Montsegur. After a while, their supplies would have become depleted and they supposedly gave themselves in and perished in the fire but with little struggle in 1244. A persistent mystery is that members of the sect supposedly scaled the perilous fortress and hill to escape with something.

We don’t know if it happened and what the object was, but it has sparked speculation ever since. Some say it is the Holy Grail which may be a cup but may be the blood of Christ. This could be an actual vial of blood or a person who was a member of the bloodline of Christ. We don’t know for sure if it happened or even what the Holy Grail was supposed to be.

Is the Holy Grail Hidden in Hertfordshire

Castle at Montsegur. Image: wikicommons

The Bonhommes

Whilst I lived in Berkhamsted, I came to hear about the monastery originally at Ashridge and started to research it. That’s when I discovered that a few years after the Cathars gave themselves up in Montsegur two monasteries were established with the order of Bonhommes and one of them was at Ashridge. Apparently, they believed that they had a sample of the blood of Christ which some would call The Holy Grail.

It is highly unlikely that whatever relic they had was actually the blood of the man, Jesus Christ. It may not even have been blood which would have been difficult to store. As you probably know, having a relic in the Middle Ages was big business and indeed a local resident of a nearby village uncovered a load of wall paintings in their house dating back to the time when it was used as a rest for Pilgrims coming to Ashridge to see the supposed Blood of Christ.

But even without a genuine vial of the Blood of Christ, we still are left with the fact that a mysterious order of Bonhommes established two monasteries in England shortly after the Bonhommes were wiped out in France. They had support from members of the Royal family who may have had some Cathar connections and were therefore possibly sympathetic.

In one of the few book written about the history of Ashridge called A Prospect of Ashridge (Phillimore 1980), Douglas Coult disagrees that the Bonhommes of Ashridge have anything to do with the Cathars in the south of France. However, he gives no explanation as to who they were, why there were only two orders in England and why they were called Bonhommes if they were not French Cathars.

Just wild speculation?

It is entirely possible that the during the persecution of Cathars in France in the 1200s, members of the sect who remained, who may have even possessed whatever it was that was smuggled out of Montsegur, were able to come to England under Royal patronage to set up a monastery in the 1280s. We do know that a vial of supposed holy blood was kept by the monastery at some point – whether this was THE object or not we don’t know.

It is also plausible that these were the same Good Men or Bonhommes that originated from the South of France in the Cathar community. The dates fit for a group of the order to flee the persecution and begin again in England.

If we believe that whatever was smuggled out of Monstegur was indeed an object known as the Holy Grail as many a speculative theory has suggested then it is possible that the Holy Grail is hidden somewhere in Hertfordshire.

Even without the Holy Grail aspect, it was fascinating to live so close to an aspect of the Cathar story that few know about. Many people focus on France but the Ashridge Bonhommes may have opened another chapter in the Cathar story.

Like with many other monasteries, this too was dissolved by King Henry VIII which ended the Order of the Bonhommes. Who knows – whatever it was that they were protecting could be still there, perhaps buried and hidden in Hertfordshire!

For more topics like this and a community of like-minded people check out The Magdalene Mystery School. 

Images: Deposit photos, Wikicommons

Meditation: Integrating your Inner Lizzie

Meditation: Integrating your Inner Lizzie


There is a growing awareness of a discrepancy in the world – there are a few people who have the power and they keep the rest of us under control. Some people are becoming aware of other levels to the control such as alien or reptilian beings. Whatever your take on this, this concept can create fear. So this time we are going to be doing a Meditation on Integrating your Inner Lizzie. 

The Point of no Return

In the year 2001, right after the 9/11 incident, I was visiting some friends. They had the TV on which was showing a memorial ceremony for the people who died in the event. My friend asked me if I could see ‘them’. He was referring to the interdimensional beings that were around the senior politicians of that time. Until that point, I had heard the concept that interdimensional beings were controlling our world leaders, but thought it was far-fetched.

But as I watched this memorial, my vision somehow shifted and suddenly I saw them. They were standing behind certain public figures and were psychically attached to them. They were tall and almost integrated into the humans that they followed.

I was stunned. Suddenly David Icke did not look like the nutter that everybody thought he was. I now literally could see what he was talking about. And so began a period of my life where I began to consume a lot of material about the controllers of the world. I avidly read the book by David Icke called ‘The Biggest Secret’ and learnt about The Money Masters and other aspects of what is known as conspiracy theories.

Intergalactic Tank Girl

Integrating your inner lizzie

A woman dressed up as the Tank Girl character at a Cosplay event

I began to feel that we were in a battle and we would need to literally fight interdimensional beings who secretly controlled our world and created perpetual wars. Like some Intergalactic Tank Girl, I felt I needed to ready myself as a warrior. Underneath all of this was a very real emotion – FEAR. Reading about the hidden controllers of the planet was making me fearful. You see this new paradigm I had fallen into was all about separation: them and us.

Integrating the Light Strand

One day that all changed. I was pondering to myself about the fact that we share our DNA with reptilian beings and whoosh something happened. I understood the unity. It was as if a light strand had plugged into place in my being. I realised that no matter what, we are all part of each other and every being is a part of the unconditional love that pervades the entire universe.

From that moment on I was no longer fearful and let go of the idea that I needed to be a Tank Girl warrior. I know there are very real issues going on in the world but starting with separation and perpetuating that stance isn’t going to help.We are all from the same source ultimately and it was with this consciousness that we need to move forward. It isn’t enough to have unity consciousness about things that you like and having it all go out the window for something that you don’t like.

The Human Game

Some years later I had a vision and I saw that just as humanity, as a collective, were descending from source and higher dimensions, a bit split off and it is this split that became our nemesis. We did this to ourselves because we are THAT powerful. We needed to create for ourselves the grit by which we will grow. The human race are not victims, they are more powerful than we can imagine. We are here playing a game to learn.

But we created that game out of love for ourselves to grow. It is hard to see that from a 3D perspective when all we see is suffering and death and I don’t mean to say that the pain should not be expressed at that.

But there is a big picture. Ultimately we will all go on to a different plane and we take our learnings from this incarnation.

So we have created a nemesis for ourselves from the fullness of our being as a human race.

Integrating your ‘Inner Lizzie’

But what can we do to alleviate the fear? Well, I have a process that I call Integrating the Inner Lizzie. I actually was requested to speak on this by one of my readers and we recently did an online meeting when a meditation spontaneously arose to heal the Inner Lizzie. It was quite powerful and I have noticed the different feeling I have afterwards.

So I am including it for you here for you to stream for free.


This was part of The Conscious Science Club which comes free for 12 months when you buy Simply Divine. If you are interested in more content like this then have a look at Simply Divine – an Easy guide to the Science of Spirituality.

What do you make of this week’s blog? Do you think this is all nonsense or do you think coming out of fear at the politics of the world is a good idea? Let me know in the comments below. 

Images: Pixabay, Wikicommons

Does the Roswell Rock depict The Black Hole Principle? 

Does the Roswell Rock depict The Black Hole Principle? 

Does the Roswell rock depict The Black Hole Principle? 

Like many people around the world, I am a fan of the TV show, Ancient Aliens; contents of it are incredibly close to the research I have been doing for further books. It was when I watched an episode of spin-off series In Search of Aliens that I realised there may be a connection between something known as the Roswell Rock and the Black Hole Principle.

This episode featured Giorgio Tsoukalos going to the deserts of New Mexico near the infamous area known as Area 51 where the Roswell crash was supposed to have happened. Near to that area, a peculiar rock was found in 2004 that had strange properties. It is incised with a pattern that is very clear-cut.

Testing of this pattern during the show seemed to demonstrate that the cut was not done by normal machining as microscopy showed a big difference in the look of this rock and one that has been sandblasted by known techniques. This does not rule out that it has been made by a machine but that they noticed differences during this test.

A puzzling artefact

The local businessman who found it also demonstrated to Giorgio Tsoukalos that the rock had magnetic properties. Again this was a bit puzzling as to how this effect was created, but the rock possibly has natural magnetic properties. In a nerve-wracking segment of the show, a sample was taken for analysis and a CT scan was done which showed there were no magnets inside and the rock had not been painted. 

So far so weird. But we cannot really conclude anything from the stone other than we don’t know for sure how it was made or what it’s origin is. However, it was the pattern that really caught my attention. The pattern is as so. Here is my diagram below.

Roswell Rock and the Black Hole Principle

The Crop Circle Connection

What is fascinating is that there was also a crop circle of pretty much the same pattern that appeared in the fields of Wiltshire, England in 1998 which was two months after the stone was found.

Now crop circles are a huge topic in themselves I know and I will deal with that topic on another day. Suffice to say here that there definitely are ‘fake’ crop circles – people go out into the fields at night and make crop art. You can sometimes spot which ones are the human-made ones because the edges are not so crisp. Furthermore, there are lots of features of certain crop circles that are not explained by human intervention. How did the circle get made so quickly? Why are the crops bent like they have been rapidly heated up etc?

As I said, it is a big topic that I shall deal with elsewhere. Suffice to say here that there are crop circles that can be explained as human art but there are others that are not so easily explained.

The crop circle that appeared in 1998 that resembles the Roswell Rock just might be in the latter category but I am not sure. According to Linda Moulton Howe on the Ancient Aliens show, this particular crop circle was produced in the space of half an hour and had four levels to it in terms of the flattened crop. What may be of interest, however, is the pattern.

The Pattern of Creation?

For both the stone and the circle, the pattern resembles that of the bipolar jets around a black hole. If these are not human-made patterns then what the Roswell Rock and the crop circle could be representing is a communication of about the fundamental pattern of creation throughout the universe which is The Black Hole Principle.

If you are wondering how I am making the connection, take a look at this image of our very own galaxy, the Milky Way and the bubbles of Gamma Ray bursts that are coming out of there. I am saying that the ‘top’ and ‘bottom’ of the pattern seen on the Roswell Rock are equivalent to the bipolar jets on a black hole. But what about the rest of the pattern? 

Roswell Rock and the Black Hole Principle

FERMI bubble GIF

Gamma Ray bubbles discovered from Milky Way (FERMI image copyright of NASA)

According to The Black Hole Principle, there are aspects that are beyond the speed of light that we cannot see or measure which are driving the whole process. These unfold as a geometric process which is driven by Phi Ratio mathematics. This can manifest itself in this dimension as a spiral. This is why we see many spirals in Nature from the double helix of DNA to a spiral galaxy to the unfolding of a fern plant.

Roswell Rock and the Black Hole Principle

A Fern Plant. Image: Pixabay

Both on the Roswell Rock and on the crop circle, there are crescent shapes coming out of the sides too. Perhaps the circles represent the fact that The Black Hole Principle creates, stars and all other matter in the universe. 

A missed message?

If we do accept that there is no definite explanation for the Roswell Rock or the crop circle and open to the possibility to this being a pattern that has been somehow imprinted perhaps from higher dimensions from an intelligence that is other than human, then we face the possibility that there is an intelligence communicating with us by using a common pattern of the universe: the pattern of creation. They probably think that our scientists are familiar with what I called The Black Hole Principle and can relate to the pattern that is given.

Sadly though, despite the fact that modern telescopes are demonstrating that current theories about the cosmos do not hold up in face of the evidence, mainstream scientists do not yet understand that black holes are not guzzling monsters but the creative aspects of the universe and that the same basic pattern goes throughout the whole universe from micro to macro. So if this was a message of unity from another intelligence to ours, it was sadly lost on most of humanity.

But with knowledge of The Black Hole Principle, we can speculate that the Roswell Rock and the similar crop circle could have been a message of unity and hope coming to us from another world. If you would like to know more about The Black Hole Principle take a look at Punk Science here and sign up for further updates using the form below.

Several videos are available on Youtube which describe some of the story and features of the Roswell Stone.

As I said, literally nothing is set in stone and these websites provide different explanations of the Roswell Rock.

Roswell Rock Solved?

This first website claims that after the crop circle appeared in 1998, a company which no longer exists, sold similar rocks onto which crop circle patterns were sandblasted. The magnetic properties, therefore, could just be a coincidence with the rock being naturally magnetic as some rocks are.

This sandblasting studio seems to have created an exact replica compete with the magnetic properties. However, these replicas have not been subject to examination under a microscope so although he precision looks good to the naked eye, the likeness has yet to be confirmed.

The controversy about this object rages on. What do you think – could this be an alien artefact or simply a pebble that has been sandblasted with a crop circle design and then dropped by a UFO enthusiast near Roswell? Leave your comments below. 


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