Does the Roswell Rock depict The Black Hole Principle? 

Does the Roswell Rock depict The Black Hole Principle? 

Does the Roswell rock depict The Black Hole Principle? 

Like many people around the world, I am a fan of the TV show, Ancient Aliens; contents of it are incredibly close to the research I have been doing for further books. It was when I watched an episode of spin-off series In Search of Aliens that I realised there may be a connection between something known as the Roswell Rock and the Black Hole Principle.

This episode featured Giorgio Tsoukalos going to the deserts of New Mexico near the infamous area known as Area 51 where the Roswell crash was supposed to have happened. Near to that area, a peculiar rock was found in 2004 that had strange properties. It is incised with a pattern that is very clear-cut.

Testing of this pattern during the show seemed to demonstrate that the cut was not done by normal machining as microscopy showed a big difference in the look of this rock and one that has been sandblasted by known techniques. This does not rule out that it has been made by a machine but that they noticed differences during this test.

A puzzling artefact

The local businessman who found it also demonstrated to Giorgio Tsoukalos that the rock had magnetic properties. Again this was a bit puzzling as to how this effect was created, but the rock possibly has natural magnetic properties. In a nerve-wracking segment of the show, a sample was taken for analysis and a CT scan was done which showed there were no magnets inside and the rock had not been painted. 

So far so weird. But we cannot really conclude anything from the stone other than we don’t know for sure how it was made or what it’s origin is. However, it was the pattern that really caught my attention. The pattern is as so. Here is my diagram below.

Roswell Rock and the Black Hole Principle

The Crop Circle Connection

What is fascinating is that there was also a crop circle of pretty much the same pattern that appeared in the fields of Wiltshire, England in 1998 which was two months after the stone was found.

Now crop circles are a huge topic in themselves I know and I will deal with that topic on another day. Suffice to say here that there definitely are ‘fake’ crop circles – people go out into the fields at night and make crop art. You can sometimes spot which ones are the human-made ones because the edges are not so crisp. Furthermore, there are lots of features of certain crop circles that are not explained by human intervention. How did the circle get made so quickly? Why are the crops bent like they have been rapidly heated up etc?

As I said, it is a big topic that I shall deal with elsewhere. Suffice to say here that there are crop circles that can be explained as human art but there are others that are not so easily explained.

The crop circle that appeared in 1998 that resembles the Roswell Rock just might be in the latter category but I am not sure. According to Linda Moulton Howe on the Ancient Aliens show, this particular crop circle was produced in the space of half an hour and had four levels to it in terms of the flattened crop. What may be of interest, however, is the pattern.

The Pattern of Creation?

For both the stone and the circle, the pattern resembles that of the bipolar jets around a black hole. If these are not human-made patterns then what the Roswell Rock and the crop circle could be representing is a communication of about the fundamental pattern of creation throughout the universe which is The Black Hole Principle.

If you are wondering how I am making the connection, take a look at this image of our very own galaxy, the Milky Way and the bubbles of Gamma Ray bursts that are coming out of there. I am saying that the ‘top’ and ‘bottom’ of the pattern seen on the Roswell Rock are equivalent to the bipolar jets on a black hole. But what about the rest of the pattern? 

Roswell Rock and the Black Hole Principle

FERMI bubble GIF

Gamma Ray bubbles discovered from Milky Way (FERMI image copyright of NASA)

According to The Black Hole Principle, there are aspects that are beyond the speed of light that we cannot see or measure which are driving the whole process. These unfold as a geometric process which is driven by Phi Ratio mathematics. This can manifest itself in this dimension as a spiral. This is why we see many spirals in Nature from the double helix of DNA to a spiral galaxy to the unfolding of a fern plant.

Roswell Rock and the Black Hole Principle

A Fern Plant. Image: Pixabay

Both on the Roswell Rock and on the crop circle, there are crescent shapes coming out of the sides too. Perhaps the circles represent the fact that The Black Hole Principle creates, stars and all other matter in the universe. 

A missed message?

If we do accept that there is no definite explanation for the Roswell Rock or the crop circle and open to the possibility to this being a pattern that has been somehow imprinted perhaps from higher dimensions from an intelligence that is other than human, then we face the possibility that there is an intelligence communicating with us by using a common pattern of the universe: the pattern of creation. They probably think that our scientists are familiar with what I called The Black Hole Principle and can relate to the pattern that is given.

Sadly though, despite the fact that modern telescopes are demonstrating that current theories about the cosmos do not hold up in face of the evidence, mainstream scientists do not yet understand that black holes are not guzzling monsters but the creative aspects of the universe and that the same basic pattern goes throughout the whole universe from micro to macro. So if this was a message of unity from another intelligence to ours, it was sadly lost on most of humanity.

But with knowledge of The Black Hole Principle, we can speculate that the Roswell Rock and the similar crop circle could have been a message of unity and hope coming to us from another world. If you would like to know more about The Black Hole Principle take a look at Punk Science here and sign up for further updates using the form below.

Several videos are available on Youtube which describe some of the story and features of the Roswell Stone.

As I said, literally nothing is set in stone and these websites provide different explanations of the Roswell Rock.

Roswell Rock Solved?

This first website claims that after the crop circle appeared in 1998, a company which no longer exists, sold similar rocks onto which crop circle patterns were sandblasted. The magnetic properties, therefore, could just be a coincidence with the rock being naturally magnetic as some rocks are.

This sandblasting studio seems to have created an exact replica compete with the magnetic properties. However, these replicas have not been subject to examination under a microscope so although he precision looks good to the naked eye, the likeness has yet to be confirmed.

The controversy about this object rages on. What do you think – could this be an alien artefact or simply a pebble that has been sandblasted with a crop circle design and then dropped by a UFO enthusiast near Roswell? Leave your comments below. 


The Supernova that refused to die

The Supernova that refused to die

The supernova that refused to die and what it can tell us about our universe

There are many articles in popular astronomy news that attract my attention because they report cases where the universe does something that defies current explanations. This is for the simple reason that current explanations are actually outmoded and not how the universe works, therefore observations will contradict current theories. 

The Black Hole Principle is a much more accurate picture of the universe, which will also be eventually superseded, but for now and the foreseeable future, it is our best fit for the universe.

I read many articles which follow a theme – The Black Hole Principle fit the observations much better than current mainstream theories. A great example of such an article is the case of the supernova that refused to die.

A Rebel Star?

This is the story of supernova called iPTF14hls spotted by scientists in San Diego 2014. At first, the behaviour of this supernova appeared to fit the picture of an explosion of a dying star. These supernova events can be so great that they momentarily rival the brightness of an entire galaxy.

Except this supernova iPTF14hls, refuses to play by the rules. Instead of fading away, it has actually been observed to become brighter. Astronomers expected the supernova’s brightness to dim over the period of 100 days but this did not happen. To top it off, a supernova was seen in this same location in 1954 which means this could be the same event spanning 60 years!

This errant supernova led astrophysicist, Stanford Woosley at the University of California, Santa Cruz to remark to, “I’m not sure, and I don’t think anyone else is sure, just what the hell is happening. And yet it happened, and so it begs explanation.”

When observation does not match theory

I had to giggle to myself when I read this article. Like so many articles on astrophysics that I read, this demonstrates one of the key issues in science today. Scientists are so wedded to their current models of how the universe works that when repeated observations come forward to show them that they are wrong, they do not know what to do.

This so-called supernova is a perfect example of Black Hole Principle behaviour. The model of the universe currently held by astrophysicist is that the universe is a violent place, full of powerful explosions of things dying and colliding. How else would they explain the powerful signals they see coming from various part of the universe?

But the Black Hole Principle provides a different explanation. These bright events are not the result of violent deaths but of effortless creation from points all over the universe from the micro the macro. As the light tumbles in from higher dimensions and reaches the Perception Horizon that marks the boundary between this so-called 3-D world and dimensions beyond, it can be very bright and powerful.

It is effortless power because it is fuelled by higher dimensional processes far beyond what we can generate in this dimension. But as I have described before, the black hole creation process involves breathing – so sometimes you see a lot of light given out and sometimes the process appears relatively dormant – there are seemingly random fluctuations.

This is what is happening in the case of the supernova, iPTF14hls. It is probably the same object that has been observed since the 1950s but instead of being a star that has exploded as it died, it is the sign of creation. Sometimes it will appear dormant as less light is being transferred from higher dimensions and sometimes it will outshine a galaxy as the light being brought in is particularly strong.

Sometimes objects across the universe show very rapid fluctuations that yet again do not fit the violent explosion model. Yet astrophysicists stick to their theories despite the data and observations being in opposition to them.

From violence to effortless creation

The insistence of astrophysicists on violent explanations is understandable when you believe that the 3-D universe is all there is. The fact that their own calculations have revealed that what we can physically see and measure makes up less than 1% of the universe with most of it being a mysterious dark matter, has not persuaded mainstream scientists that other realms exist beyond their imagination.

In the 3-D world below the speed of light, the only events that can release the sort of light we see from supernovas are explosions.

But if we open up to a universe that exists on many planes, we start to realise that the source of all that we see around us is not some distant Big Bang but the universe is being created all the time at every level from higher dimensions.

And as the light from higher dimensions breathes our world into existence, it is effortlessly powerful and has no set point, but moves one way and then the other.

Hence we observe objects that defy the current thinking in astrophysics but absolutely fit The Black Hole Principle. This process gives rise to the gamma-ray burst repeaters and a lot of other observations that currently confound astrophysicists. 

One day, maybe the consciousness of humanity will evolve beyond the violent urges we have and our collective tendency for destruction. Maybe that is when we will be ready to receive the new, more accurate picture of worlds beyond the one we see with our eyes being the gentle source of power and creation for our world.

Further Reading 

Supernova defies understanding

For further information on The Black Hole Principle 

Top 8 Predictions of the Black Hole Principle that even made me gasp

Punk Science 

Image: Pixabay

The Shroud of Turin and The Black Hole Principle

The Shroud of Turin and The Black Hole Principle

Is there a link between the Shroud of Turin and The Black Hole Principle? In this video lecture I explain how I think they might be connected. 
But how did I get interested in this subject in this first place? On lazy Sunday afternoons by the fire, James and I watch tend to watch documentary channels. In the late 2000s a number of these featured the object called the Shroud of Turin.
Over the years, I had never really paid attention to this particular object. I had assumed as many other did that the object was a medieval fake. 
But gradually, the Shroud gradually seeped into my consciousness and my curiosity was aroused. 
From a scientific perspective, The Shroud of Turin is a fascinating object. I started to do talks on the subject and the response was immense. One of the talks has gone up on YouTube. I will link to it here. 

In this talk I cover
  • What the Shroud of Turin is and some of its history
  • What properties does the Shroud have 
  • Why nobody can explain how the Shroud was made
  • The story of the Shroud – what happened to the man who is depicted on there. 
  • How new evidence published in a peer-reviewed journal is pointing to the Shroud not being a fake
  • My own ideas of how we can link the Shroud of Turin to the Black Hole Principle. 

Let me know what you think in the comments below. 

For the updated information about The Shroud of Turin and The Black Hole Principle plus many other subects like this, check out The Magdalene Mystery School

Image: Public Domains wikicommons, Shutterstock
Top 8 Predictions of the Black Hole Principle that even made me gasp

Top 8 Predictions of the Black Hole Principle that even made me gasp

When I received The Black Hole Principle through a vision in 2003, I knew it to be the truth of how the universe works. Pretty soon, the evidence for it started to mount up and as it did, it became clear that the theory was excellent at predicting the behaviour of stars and planets. But sometimes there is a real humdinger of a piece of evidence that is such a shockingly vivid example of the power of the theory that it amazes me all over again. So in this article, we will be looking at the Top 8 Predictions of the Black Hole Principle that even made me gasp.

1. Water comes out of sunspots

In 1997 a team at the University of Waterloo Ontario confirmed that water is found on the sun, specifically as steam ejected from sunspots. Now for a lot of people, this should be a total surprise; I would have thought that such news could send shock waves around the world. I am guessing from the lack of references to this that most academic scientists don’t even know about it. It seems so incongruent with expectations that it has been mainly ignored.

Back in 2006 Punk Science described how sunspots also display Black Hole Principle (BHP) behaviour. As we now know, that includes the production of water. So from this perspective, it is not a surprise that sunspots produce water because they would be expected to show the same sort of behaviour as galactic black holes and terrestrial gamma-ray flashes.

Top 8 Predictions of the Black Hole Principle that have even made me gasp

Image: Graphic Stock

2. The Galaxy is breathing

The Black Hole Principle involves a movement, like a breath at the Perception Horizon. When the breath goes one way, matter and antimatter are produced. When it goes another, gamma rays and light are produced. The actual particles differ according to the level of the universe you are talking about, but the process is the same. This is why we observe gamma-ray bursts that shine bright and then fade and events in space that don’t seem to follow the expected pattern of an explosion or another violent event.

So I was amazed to find that there are indeed clouds of hydrogen gas near the centre of the Milky Way called high-velocity clouds that appear to be breathing in and out. It could be a sign of the breathing process that is actually occurring in the central black hole itself that is being translated in the gas clouds immediately around it.

Richter P, Wakker BP. Our growing breathing galaxy. Scientific American. January 2004; 28-37.

3. The Milky way spews antimatter fountains

Very shortly after I had the vision of the Black Hole Principle I spotted this finding in New Scientist. Although it is quite an old discovery now, for me it was so important because it confirmed what I saw in the vision – that antimatter is produced in a black hole. It was this article that gave me the courage to move forward despite not being a physicist or academic, as I knew that The Black Hole Principle was important and was able to make predictions about the universe.

Reich ES. When Antimatter attacks. New Scientist. 24 April 2004; 34-37.

Top 8 Predictions of the Black Hole Principle that have even made me gasp

Image: ESA/Hubble, L. Calçada (ESO) Creative Commons Wikimedia

4. Antimatter comes out of thunderstorms

At the time of writing Punk Science, I stated that thunderstorms are basically powered by the same mechanism that is behind galactic core black holes and if so, we should be able to see fast-moving electrons (which we do), gamma-ray bursts which we do except we call them gamma-ray flashes and antimatter. At the time the latter had not been discovered, but in 2011 NASA made the announcement that they indeed found antimatter in thunderstorms.

NASA’s Fermi Catches Thunderstorms Hurling Antimatter into Space  10th January 2011. 

Top 8 Predictions of the Black Hole Principle that have even made me gasp

Image: NASA, James Gordon Graham

5. The Galaxy is blowing bubbles

One of the mainstays of the Black Hole Principle is of course that gamma-ray bursts are produced by the cores of galaxies. This means they should also be produced by our own galaxy which we found out fairly recently, also harbours a supermassive black hole. But just as the mainstream world was shocked when they found black holes at the centre of all galaxies, they were not expecting anything to come out of it either.

But in 2010 an analysis of data from the Fermi telescope revealed that our galaxy is actually blowing bubbles; gamma-ray bubbles are emerging from the supermassive black hole of the Milky Way galaxy. Again this was a surprise to mainstream scientists not expecting to see this sort of activity in our home galaxy and not sure what was causing it.

Further analysis of the image showed the characteristic bipolar jet of The Black Hole Principle. The bubble patterns seem to be created by the jets spiralling over time. Again a beautiful example of The Black Hole Principle behaviour found in an unexpected place.

Top 8 Predictions of the Black Hole Principle that have even made me gasp

Gamma Ray bubbles discovered from Milky Way (FERMI image copyright of NASA)

6. Moss grows in spirals

In 1997, biologist Fred Sack examined some Moss plants that had just returned from being aboard the space shuttle mission, Colombia. These moss plants were known to either grow towards the light or towards gravity. What is interesting is that out in space where there was no light to move towards, the plants grew in a spiral. I was so excited to read about this because according to The Black Hole Principle, the underlying fundamental force moves in a spiral.

This spiral force of light and consciousness gives rise to all the forces in physics such as gravity. Away from the light and from the Earth, the plants seemed to have tuned into the underlying pattern of gravity – a spiral. Sadly on a further mission in 2003, the space shuttle broke apart on re-entry and the crew was killed. Further moss experiments were recovered, however, reconfirming this spiral growth and this article was published in Nature.

7. Water is produced on Mars

For much of my life I have been preoccupied with the scientific world and ever since I was a child I remember people talking about the wish to find water on other planets. The idea was that as soon as we found water we would find life. Much to everyone’s surprise then, water turns out to be pretty abundant in the universe. What the mainstream scientists don’t understand is why. They come up with all sorts of theories about past collisions with snowball comets and asteroids.

However, according to The Black Hole Principle, water is actually produced from the black hole itself. More work needs to be done in this but I think it is a product of a higher dimensional process as the antimatter and matter split happens, water is produced much like in this diagram.

So it was not a surprise to me when the announcement came that Mars is actually populated by water that is being regenerated. That’s because I know that the planet Mars is displaying Black Hole Principle behaviour within its interior and that includes water production. So of course surface water is being regenerated just as it is in the sun, as the source of the water is the interior of the planet.

Top 8 Predictions of the Black Hole Principle that have even made me gasp

Discovery of water on Mars, Image: NASA

8. The Earth’s oceans come from the Earth’s interior

Speaking of water coming from the interior of a planet, the Earth itself is a black hole process showing the same types of behaviours as a galactic black hole in space. For many years it has been a mystery as to how the oceans of the planet arrived on the Earth. Various theories have been put forward including that in the Earth’s distant past, an icy comet collided with the Earth depositing its water and it has simply been recycled ever since. There was no proof of this though, but it has been received wisdom.

Knowing what I knew about the way black holes produce water through their dynamic processes and that this is happening at every single level of the universe, it was simply logical that the Earth’s oceans are being produced by the interior of the planet. So I made the public announcement and prediction at the Institute of Noetic Sciences in 2013 that the true source of the Earth’s oceans was actually the Earth’s interior.

Within about eight months it was announced by mainstream scientists that there is a massive ocean in the interior of the Earth. The answer to where the Earth’s water comes from seems to have been found.

Top 8 Predictions of the Black Hole Principle that have even made me gasp

Image: Graphicstock Illustration of comet hitting Earth and seeding oceans


The beauty of having a simple, elegant description theory is that it is simple enough to predict aspects of the universe as yet undiscovered. I have now gone on public record saying that we should expect to see evidence of antimatter coming from volcanoes so time will tell if this is correct. We have already discovered antimatter geoneutrinos coming from the Earth’s core so maybe this is all we need.

So far, The Black Hole Principle has been able to describe the universe in a more accurate way than many mainstream theories and to even expect some of the more seemingly bizarre observations. And that is what a powerful idea in science is all about – it is strongly predictive. If you would like to check out just some of these predictions take a look at Punk Science here.  On the basis of this article, what are your thoughts on the predictions of The Black Hole Principle? Leave your comments below. 

Angels on my TV

Angels on my TV

In 2007, I was invited to the studios of Press TV in West London alongside the world-renowned author, Diana Cooper to discuss the Science of Angels. But soon I was also discussing some of my angelic experiences.

The whole day was pretty amazing as the Press TV studios were very well equipped and plush, with makeup artists for all the ‘talent’ as well. Some time later, I made several trips to the then BBC studios nearby and it was disappointingly drab in comparison. This interview was actually my first taste of the live TV set up in a studio even though I had already appeared in several documentaries. This studio experience came in handy later when working for The People’s Voice TV.

I am delighted to find that this interview has now resurfaced on Youtube courtesy of the presenter Rebecca Masterton who did a great job. So here is the discussion on Press TV about The Science of Angels. It is in several parts.


Have you ever had an encounter with angels? Please leave your comments below. 

The Science of Angels is just one of the topics discussed on the Online Course Simply Divine as well as the science of tarot, energy healing, the law of attraction and much more. Click the button below to find out more about Simply Divine

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Image: Screenshot, Shutterstock

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