Black Holes, Water and Bulgaria

Black Holes, Water and Bulgaria

This presentation took place at the International conference on the Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Water. This was a prestigious event featuring Professor Gerald Pollack of Washington State University and also Luc Montagnier the Nobelist who discovered HIV.

In my presentation, I had 25 minutes to do a succinct outline of how black holes produce water at every level of the universe, the crucial role of thunderstorms and why it was possible for me to predict that Mars continually produces water ahead of the announcement from NASA that happened that very week.

  • black holes produce water at every level of the universe,
  • the crucial role of thunderstorms and
  • why it was possible for me to predict that Mars continually produces water ahead of the announcement from NASA that happened that very week.

I am happy to say that my talk had a great response with praise even from one of my scientific heroes, Konstantin Korotkov.

Black Holes, Water and Bulgaria Korotkov selfie

Image: Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton

You can see the presentation for yourself in this video. Enjoy!

Image: GraphicStock, Canva



Thunderstorms and the Black Hole Principle

Thunderstorms and the Black Hole Principle

I think it is part of the human condition – to marvel at thunderstorms. These displays of electricity give us a feeling of connection to deeper processes to Nature. The sense of heightened awareness and danger in a storm are stark reminders of the immense power of the universe; thunderstorms represent the interface between us and the heavens.

Of course we have tried to explain thunderstorms scientifically. The story given to school children still today is that lightning is caused by the build up of a type of static electricity in clouds which discharges towards the Earth cause lightning strikes.

Another staple of school education is the water cycle. The clouds are formed by evaporated water which come inland then shed their water droplets on reaching the hills. It all seems so logical and seems to match our observations.

Except it isn’t, not quite. Measurements have shown us that the build up of ‘static’ ions in thunderclouds isn’t nearly enough to cause the powerful lightning bolts that we observe.

As for rain clouds, why is it even possible to see blue skies over the sea? Surely it should be full of evaporating water causing clouds. And why do some clouds rain and some not? Meteorologists are puzzled.

Sea cloud

Image: Graphic stock

From the start of the my research I knew that there was something fundamental about water. I just didn’t quite know what.

Imagine my surprise when in the mid 2000s research started to emerge about the secret lives of thunderstorms. Satellite imaging had revealed a whole new world above the clouds.

New types of lightning were being discovered called exotic names such as elves and sprites. The big shocker was the findings of gamma-ray radiation above the clouds that corresponded to the positions of thunderstorms. To the amazement of scientists these were just as powerful as some of those seen coming from deep space.

Sprites, thunderstorms, terrestrial gamma ray flashes

I just could hardly believe it. Here in this phenomenon that had long fascinated humans was the same process that occurs in the Black Hole Principle.The same process that occurs in the centres of galaxies and made gamma-ray bursts and fast flashes of electrons was going on just a few miles above our heads. This was the missing link. But there was an element missing.

Antimatter: if I was right then antimatter needed to be part of the process. I didn’t have to wait too long. In 2010 NASA announced that they were going to investigate Terrestrial gamma-ray flashes. (Notice they don’t call them bursts. It’s almost like they don’t want o admit that they are just like the gamma-ray bursts in space.)

In 2011 the announcements of their shock findings were made: antimatter is produced in thunderstorms. Just as I had predicted would be the case in the Black Hole Principle. It was one of the greatest triumphs of the theory.

But of course there is more to a thunderstorm – there is rain. I still remember the day I walked outside and looked up with David Ash’s book in my hand. His words had made me feel so connected to it all. The rain started to pop onto my face, but I didn’t care. I knew I was staring up at the same process that happened inside galaxies. I knew that for my theory to be fully correct it needed something else. Black Holes in space should produce water just as they do on earth.

With this idea, I chose not to spell it out in my book, Punk Science. It seemed too preposterous. But it is there if you care to look and I was still working on the concept of water coming out of black holes even though I didn’t tell everyone I was doing so. In the book I explain how thunderstorms are a Black Hole Principle process. As I am putting forward that the same process occurs in black holes across the universe, by implication this means that water can also be produced by this process anywhere in the universe.

Again I didn’t have to wait many years for this to be proven in many different levels. My partner, James sent me a link to an article describing the largest body of water ever to be found in space. And it was coming out of a black hole!

After I heard this news, I don’t think I stopped sobbing for a full half hour! Words cannot describe the elation that you feel at scientific discovery, at being part of moving the sum of human knowledge that little bit forward. A quick search began to reveal the latest telescope results. Water was everywhere and in time it would even be found at the centre of the earth and being produced on Mars.

But the key to it all for me is the thunderstorm – still the pivot point between earth and the heavens where seemingly impossible power is being released and at light speeds too.

I hope we will one day stop lying to school children about clouds and static electricity and tell them the truth – that the universe is sublimely connected from the very large to the very small and the thunderstorm is in the middle of it all and that if you truly understand them you are one step further to understanding all of creation.

Image: Shutterstock

Black Holes and Water

Black Holes and Water

For many years even before the Black Hole Principle existed, I knew there was something interesting about water.  Those of you who know my work will recognise this as a c squared moment! I was sensing the future before it had happened.

The idea that there was something significant about water that we don’t understand would not leave me alone over the years. Whilst studying water in school, the process of Hydrogen bonds present in water struck me as interesting and unique. It was many years later, during the writing of Punk Science in 2004 that I had a moment that would profoundly change my whole understanding of not only the working of the universe ‘out there’ but our weather systems here on Earth.

Back then, I had just made the connection between the Terrestrial Gamma Ray flashes that occur in the Earth’s upper atmosphere during a thunderstorm and the gamma ray bursts associated with larger black holes in space. I realised that they were the same process.

However, it was only when I went for a walk in the rain and looked up at the sky that I realised something else. Thunderstorms often produce rain. This meant that black holes all over the universe must have an association with water.

I was too nervous at the time to really spell this out as it was so outlandish but logically black holes at all levels MUST create water for the theory to be consistent. I did publish in 2006 that Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes are the same process as black holes in space but I didn’t make a big thing about the fact that water would then have to be associated with galactic black holes. Little did I know that within a decade jets of water would be found not only coming out of black holes but from many planets and even from stars.

Logically black holes at all levels MUST create water for the theory to be consistent

In 2013 I travelled to California to deliver a keynote address for the Institute of Noetic Sciences. At the meeting I announced the surprising news that the Black Holes Principle had correctly made predictions about the nature of black holes and water.

I also announced that the due to the Black Hole Principle, all the oceans and seas of planet Earth were not seeded here by a comet or asteroid but are being produced by the Earth’s interior.

Within a few months, the announcement went around the world that there is an ocean below the surface of the Earth and that this is the true source of the water we see around us.

Many people told me that this was a jaw dropping moment for them and pieced it all together. If you want to know what all the fuss is about take a look at this lecture which is only 30 minutes long. The New Scientist article from a few months later is here

Image: Shutterstock

Does Water equal Life on Mars?

Does Water equal Life on Mars?

Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Univ. of Arizona

For centuries, humans have looked at Mars and pondered if this fiery planet can sustain life. To many people the equation is simple – find water and there will be life. I remember when we looked out to space wishing that one day we would find water and therefore we discover that we are not alone.

Within a few decades that wishing has been replaced by real evidence of water and it turns out it is everywhere. It is almost embarrassing as the equation that water equals life is so embedded into science and our psyches. Underlying this equation is the belief that life has arisen completely spontaneously without any intelligent input.

This is essential to the God-free, unspiritual world that science likes to portray – that life and ourselves are just random accidents of no significance in a sterile world devoid of consciousness. So life just started in a warm pond easily and spontaneously and this led to evolution and here we are: all through random, unintelligent, unconscious events.

So finding oceans on many planets and on moons and even in jets from sunspots should be rocking these such beliefs especially if we do not find even the most simple of bacteria in them. Maybe we have to face that life is so extraordinary complex that the creation of just one single cell in a warm pond by chance and random collisions alone would not just take one miracle and defy the laws of entropy but it would need repeated miracles.

So the finding of water on Mars should provoke and stir up a lot of these old wistful notions but it may also force us to face that life could involve more than some random collisions in a warm pond. Before 2015 we knew that channels on Mars suggested there was water on the planet in the past. So far so safe, we don’t have to face up to the prospect of life on Mars. But then evidence of seasonal water on Mars was found and it was realised that water on Mars is not only currently present it is also being renewed. The importance of the news warranted a NASA press conference in autumn 2015.

But the question really should be why? Why is there water on Mars and elsewhere? If you have been following the Black Hole Principle you will know that I have been saying for some time that the gamma-ray bursts in the Earth’s upper atmosphere that produce gamma rays, fast moving electrons and antimatter are demonstrating the same mechanism that black holes at the centres of galaxies do. These so called Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes or TGFs are associated with thunderstorms. The fast moving electrons that come out of them are what we normally call lightning.

There is one feature of thunderstorms that for many years I battled with and that is rain. It means that for the Black Hole Principle to be truly universal and occur in a similar fashion at all levels of the universe, black holes need to produce water. It also means everything that almost everything we understand about our water cycle becomes null and void. Water becomes the end point of a higher dimensional process. I think, but I am not sure that water is produced by the process of light splitting into antimatter and matter at the edge of a black hole. I would have to do some more work on the mechanism. But I did realise that water would have to be produced by galactic black holes in order to be a truly universal process.

To see my presentation at the International Conference on the Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Water 2015 on the subject of water coming from black holes at every level of the universe visit

So when it was revealed that black holes do indeed produce water, I was amazed and realise that the Black Hole Principle had been vindicated all this time. This is a universal process that happens from the macroscopic level – huge galaxies in the far reaches of space, to the microscopic – potentially your cellular processes work this way too to somewhere in between – the rain clouds you see in the sky now.

I also made this prediction about the oceans of planet Earth when giving a keynote address at the Institute of Noetic Sciences,

The Earth’s Oceans have long been a mystery as to where they originated and the question was fobbed off with some garbling about an asteroid seeding water here in the past. I knew that the Earth’s interior too is a black hole dynamo and therefore capable of producing water. So it was not a big leap for me to predict that Mars is capable of producing water in real time as are other bodies that are ejecting water such as comets and the moons of Saturn.

So this is why the renewed water on Mars was not a big shock to me. However, we may have to revisit our long held equation that the presence of water automatically means that life is also present.
That is simplifying what life is enormously. Life is not a random arrangement of atoms – this does not make sense from the perspective of science either – see Punk Science for a break down of these issues.
So for now we are having to admit that our previous mantra of ‘follow the water to find life’ may not have been correct. This was whilst finding water in space was unexpected. Now we know it is everywhere maybe we need to look again at why biological life has occurred on Earth in the first place and also why water is present there at all.
This National Geographic article discusses the problems will taking the water = life equation.

NASA Confirms Evidence That Liquid Water Flows on Today’s Mars

Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Univ. of Arizona

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