Is this the end of science?

Is this the end of science?

The End of Science?

Scientists are running out of ideas. Is it time for a new paradigm?

With so many changes going on in the world, it feels like we are coming to the close of a civilisation. In this article and video, I discuss if we are at the end of science?

The Collapse of Empire

From the Ottomans to the Roman Empire, apparently there were a few signs that heralded the demise of all civilisations.

One is the debasement of currency, another is the celebration of sporting stars or gladiators depending on your era, another is the increasing disparity between the rich and the poor and another is the rise of celebrity chefs.

I think we can agree that we have seen quite a few of these recently and it seems like massive debasement of currency is just around the corner. 

With the startling events of 2020, most people in Western civilisation may be waking up to the possibility that we are seeing the beginning of the end – that the dismantling of empire is coming soon.

Where are all the breakthroughs?

And so it is with Science and its breakthroughs in the understanding of the nature of reality. Although the 20th Century seemed awash with groundbreaking ideas such as the theory of relativity and quantum physics, more recent attempts to create breakthroughs of that magnitude haven’t borne fruit.

In a visit to the Perimeter Institute in Canada, journalist Daniel Cossins reported back to New Scientist magazine in January 2019 about the state of theoretical physics and it was not entirely optimistic.

Neil Turok, the director of the Institute explained that when he entered physics in the early 80s, “it stopped being successful”. And later in the article, Turok is quoted as suggesting that we disregard the past 30 years and retrace our steps to figure out where we went wrong.

One of the key issues is the lack of one unified theory that unites the very large structures in space, such as galaxies, with the very small, such as atoms. Although certain theories in physics have been very successful at explaining some aspects of the universe. 

 the end of science

Is there something that unites all processes from the very large such as galaxies to atoms Image: Shutterstock

We need a new paradigm

We need a new paradigm in physics. I believe that The Black Hole Principle can contribute to that new paradigm. It has successfully predicted behaviour at several levels of the universe such as antimatter from thunderstorms, water from black holes, methane on Mars and much more. 

At a time when civilisation and ideas are running out, it is time to move to a new paradigm that places consciousness at the heart of both science and civilisation. 

What do you think? Let me know in the comments below. 


Lightning and Lies

Lightning and Lies

Why do we perpetuate lies about lightning despite the evidence? In this article, we will examine lightning and lies. 


There are 40-100 lightning strikes per second around the planet.

For something that is so common you would think that we have an explanation for lightning.

But that’s where you would be wrong. Because not only do we not have an explanation for lightning but people lie and pretend that we have it all sussed out.

But we know this, don’t we?

You are probably thinking – we do have an explanation for lightning. It’s a basically big form of static electricity.


Just as when we walk across a dry carpet, get charged up, touch a metal door handle and get a shock, so it is with lightning and clouds in thunderstorms, only bigger.

The usual story

You may have even heard an explanation like this one.


Clouds contain ice particles and hail that rub together and get charged up. The negatively charged particles fall to the lower part of the cloud and the positively charged particles to the top.

This causes the positive charges on the ground to build up and eventually there is a spark of lightning between them

This story is being told to children everywhere.

There’s one problem.

It isn’t true.


The Evidence

We have done experiments to show that not nearly enough charge build-up in clouds to create lighting with the characteristics that we observe.

And for negative charges being at the bottom and positive at the top – turns out there are positive charges at the bottom too.

So why do we perpetuate the lies?

Covering the Discomfort

Because we don’t have an explanation for something that is very common on the planet.

It’s easier to ignore the scientific fact that the static electricity hypothesis has been disproven than face the fact that we cannot explain something that happens on our planet over 40 times a second.

With the Black Hole Principle – the same mechanism that occurs at the centre of a galaxy occurs in thunderstorms – hence we find antimatter, gamma rays and x-rays in thunderstorms just as we do in black holes. Not to mention water!

We also find bipolar jets in storms just as we find in black holes.

Black Holes produce jets at the speed of light

The theory can also explain the power of lightning and thunderstorms because The Black Hole Principle is powered by infinite light!

It’s time we stopped lying to children and paid attention to the scientific facts.

Lightning and Lies



Five things you probably didn’t know about The Moon

Five things you probably didn’t know about The Moon

Five things you probably didn’t know about the Moon

Here are five mind-blowing facts you may not have realised about our closest neighbour

1. The Moon is flashing at us and we don’t know why

For many years now we have seen flashes on the Moon. They last between a few minutes to hours and we can’t predict them.

They have been spotted by amateur astronomers as well. Interestingly they do not seem to leave traces behind on the surface of the Moon. 

Some speculate that these flashes could be associated with seismic activity but astronomers do not really know what they are.

Explanation: these flashes are created because the Moon also displays Black Hole Principle behaviour in that sometimes it creates light through the annihilation process of matter and antimatter. 

The Black Hole Principle

The Black Hole Principle

2. A very dense anomaly has been detected under the South Pole of the moon.

As our ability to analyse bodies in space become more sophisticated, we have been able to scan the moon more deeply and found a few surprises. This has led to the finding of a very dense anomaly at the South Pole of the Moon. It could be some kind of very heavy metal and it’s 300 km beneath the surface. Our sense of the consistency of the moon has had to change. 

Explanation: As discussed in previous articles on this site, it seems that many elements are generated by The Black Hole Principle, possibly all the elements. So this could be the reason why there is a dense anomaly 300 km beneath the surface of the Moon. It is being created by the centre of the Moon. 

Five things you probably didn't know about the moon

Image: © NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center/University of Arizona

3. The Moon contains water ice and could be producing it.

We used to think that the Moon was dry but now we know there is a lot of water there. It is especially around the poles and in craters as water ice.

Explanation: Water production is one of the hallmarks of The Black Hole Principle. We would expect water to be plentiful at the poles as The Black Hole Principle works in a bipolar jet fashion as seen at the galaxy level.

Moon craters then become a result of an upwelling force not impact. As the flow reaches the surface from the Moon’s core, water jets are formed, hence the ice found in the craters. So far there have been signs that mainstream scientists are realising that moons can have upwelling effects and explosions due to the crater dynamics but this is far from a generalised idea. 

bipolar jet black hole

4. There could be active volcanoes on the moon.

Astronomers have detected signs of volcanic activity on the far side of the moon. We think there was some in the past but it could still be going on. We see volcanic activity on other moons in the solar system but this was also unexpected. 

Explanation: Volcanic activity is also the periodic release of energy from beyond the speed of light from the inner black hole dynamo of each planet of each moon. 

5. The moon is brighter than the sun in the gamma-ray spectrum.

We now have different telescopes in use that look at different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. This has revealed to us that the Moon is actually brighter than the sun in the gamma-ray spectrum.

Explanation: Of course, the mainstream scientists will say that the gamma rays are only just hitting the moon from outside, but according to The Black Hole Principle, it is perfectly possible for the Moon to be creating gamma rays itself. 

I hope you have enjoyed our exploration of the Moon. Are there any facts that we have missed out? Which new revelations have interested you the most? Please leave a comment below this article. 


The Milky Way suddenly got brighter and nobody knows why.

The Milky Way suddenly got brighter and nobody knows why.

A Bright Mystery

In August 2019, Scientists spotted that the centre of our own galaxy, The Milky Way became 75 times brighter in just a few hours. It was in the Near-infrared spectrum so wasn’t visible to the ‘naked eye’. This was an increase far greater and faster than ever seen before.

Some Astronomers were at a loss as to how this occurred. Some people speculated that the flare-up was caused by a star falling into the black hole at the centre. The black hole is called Sagittarius A.

Of course, according to The Black Hole Principle, sudden flare-ups in brightness are to be expected. This is because, as light reaches us from higher dimensions, it splits into matter and antimatter. But then these can recombine to form light again. This can take various forms including gamma-ray bursts.

Our Breathing Galaxy

The timing of these cycles varies, from a few seconds to several months or even more. This is why we see these sudden flare-ups. They represent the ‘breathing’ process of The Black Hole Principle.

We even have some evidence that the gases near the centre of the Milky Way called High-velocity clouds ‘breathe’ in and out.

A quote from a Scientific American article discussing clouds of gas in the Milky Way that appear to be breathing in and out.

A problem solved

When you understand the underlying pattern, the sudden brightness of the black hole at the centre of the Milky Way can be explained. As to how it becomes so bright – well we are talking about the light from infinity coming into our world!

I hope you enjoyed this episode, subscribe for more updates like this one.

Why does Saturn’s moon, Titan have so much oil?

Why does Saturn’s moon, Titan have so much oil?

Oil, coal and other hydrocarbons have been found all over space. But we think that these substances are fossil fuels. so how did they get there?

Why is there oil on Saturn’s moon, Titan?

Some years ago it was discovered that one of Saturn’s moons called Titan harboured masses of organic chemicals – effectively it’s a massive oil field.

It has more oil than we have on planet earth it even rains down hydrocarbons! In fact, hydrocarbons which are supposed to be the molecules of life, are found all over space. Scientists have even found oil on Mars.

Coal diamonds in space

And the biggest oil field ever discovered exists in the far reaches of space. Not only that but coal has also been found coming out of stars.

It causing some people to find a way to mine the resources in space which is actually a rapidly growing industry. But why are oil and coal there in the first place?

Fossils in Space?

Oil and coal are supposed to be fossil fuels created from long-dead trees and marine life.

Creation of Oil

There are no trees or marine life on Titan or Mars on stars or outer space so what is going on?

Upwelling theory

A big clue came from Physicist, Thomas Gold who wrote in his book, The Deep Hot Biosphere that the pattern of distribution of oil and coal on Earth fits an upwelling origin – which means that oil and coal are coming up from the deep and not sinking down from the surface.

It really is an excellent book that exposes that many of our ideas about fossil fuels and how they are created just do not stack up to the evidence. Gold was not the first to propose this idea; Russian scientists did so too. 

Oil from Black Holes

I am proposing that the reason we see hydrocarbons all over space is that they are being produced by the Black Hole Principle.

According to this theory, Mars, Titan and even the Earth are prolific in producing oil from their interior. 

But for the theory to be correct, we need to spot hydrocarbons coming out of black holes. 

And indeed we do see greasy molecules from galactic centres.

A radical new theory that fits the evidence

So you heard it first on Punk Science TV – Fossil fuels are not fossils but created by the interiors of black holes, stars, planets, moons and even comets – that’s why comets are covered in hydrocarbons.

If you want to know more about how the universe really works then follow me on Facebook or Youtube for more Punk Science TV

Further reading 

Fossil fuels and black holes

Methane on Mars

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