Oil, coal and other hydrocarbons have been found all over space. But we think that these substances are fossil fuels. so how did they get there?

Why is there oil on Saturn’s moon, Titan?

Some years ago it was discovered that one of Saturn’s moons called Titan harboured masses of organic chemicals – effectively it’s a massive oil field.

It has more oil than we have on planet earth it even rains down hydrocarbons! In fact, hydrocarbons which are supposed to be the molecules of life, are found all over space. Scientists have even found oil on Mars.

Coal diamonds in space

And the biggest oil field ever discovered exists in the far reaches of space. Not only that but coal has also been found coming out of stars.

It causing some people to find a way to mine the resources in space which is actually a rapidly growing industry. But why are oil and coal there in the first place?

Fossils in Space?

Oil and coal are supposed to be fossil fuels created from long-dead trees and marine life.

Creation of Oil

There are no trees or marine life on Titan or Mars on stars or outer space so what is going on?

Upwelling theory

A big clue came from Physicist, Thomas Gold who wrote in his book, The Deep Hot Biosphere that the pattern of distribution of oil and coal on Earth fits an upwelling origin – which means that oil and coal are coming up from the deep and not sinking down from the surface.

It really is an excellent book that exposes that many of our ideas about fossil fuels and how they are created just do not stack up to the evidence. Gold was not the first to propose this idea; Russian scientists did so too. 

Oil from Black Holes

I am proposing that the reason we see hydrocarbons all over space is that they are being produced by the Black Hole Principle.

According to this theory, Mars, Titan and even the Earth are prolific in producing oil from their interior. 

But for the theory to be correct, we need to spot hydrocarbons coming out of black holes. 

And indeed we do see greasy molecules from galactic centres.

A radical new theory that fits the evidence

So you heard it first on Punk Science TV – Fossil fuels are not fossils but created by the interiors of black holes, stars, planets, moons and even comets – that’s why comets are covered in hydrocarbons.

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Further reading 

Fossil fuels and black holes

Methane on Mars

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